Well Cherrie, being realistic you've no choice but to wait for the UKVI decision on your application. Withdrawing at this stage means you'd lose your fee payment and would still not know whether your TOEIC would have been accepted or not.
The reason to keep probing for clarity from UKVI on your question is primarily to help ease the stress level (by taking some action) and also to force UKVI to update their position.
Why not take a no-cost approach and send again to the International Enquiry Service.
Try to be more specific such as asking will your TOEIC be accepted by UKVI since you already submittted your Visa Application before UKVI issued their statement about ETS.
Tell them you want a specific answer and do not require links to UKVI webpages which you can access without the need for an International Enquiry Service.
Use as many different contact details as you can find.
Well that's what I'd do anyway.......but then I just like to see who will respond so I have yet another contact detail.