I submitted all my documents last wednesday , April 16, 2014. I just learned that TOEIC isnt acceptable anymore by UKVI. I took that exam last year thats was November 20,2013 and got the score of 450 in listening and 200 in speaking. That was the certificate that I submitted knowing that it is acceptable. Will they consider my English exam? Please please give me clarification. I mailed them and this is their response:

Thank you for contacting the UK Visas and Immigration International enquiry service. The applicant must provide an original English language test certificate in speaking and listening from an English language test provider approved by the Secretary of State for these purposes which clearly shows the applicant�s name and the qualification obtained (which must meet or exceed level A1 (Basic Speaker) of the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR). Please note: ETS TOEFL paper based tests alone can no longer be accepted as evidence of meeting the English language requirement as they do not test speaking skills, unless the applicant has provided additional evidence of meeting the speaking skills requirement to the A1 level, the ETS TOEFL paper based tests alone would not be acceptable as evidence of meeting the English language requirement. Applications made before.22 February 2011.where the applicant provided only a TOEFL paper based test certificate showing they meet the A1 level, can be accepted and used as evidence of meeting the English language requirement.https://www.gov.uk/government/public...cant-demonstra te-that-they-have-met-the-requirement We hope this has answered your query. For any further details, or should you need to contact us again please refer to our website ate https:.ukvi-international.faq-help.com/ We would like to invite you to participate in a brief survey about the service you received from us to idendify strenghts and opportunities for improvements. Thank you in advance for your time. hhps://www.surveymonkey.com/s/UKVI-CSAT.It is the applicant responsability to check the legibility and ready the full guidence before apply for any kind of visa.

Hoping for a positive feedback. Fingerscrossed