Quote Originally Posted by cherrieclifford View Post
http://ukvi-international.faq-help.com , i wrote to this link again and this is their reply:

Dear Cherrie, Thank you for contacting the UK Visas and Immigration International enquiry service. The arrangement that the Home Office had with Educational Testing Service (ETS) to provide Secure English Language Testing (SELT) ended on 5 April 2014. As a result we have suspended accepting ETS tests as evidence of English language ability from new applicants. If you wish to make an application you should read the list of providers and take a test with an alternative provider. You can check the list of English Tests approved by the Home Office and the updates in this link:.https://www.gov.uk/government/public...g-for-uk-visa- approved-english-language-tests We hope that this has answered your query. For any further details, or should you need to contact us again, please refer to our website at:.http://ukvi-international.faq-help.com/ We would like to invite you to participate in a brief survey about the service you received from us to identify strengths and opportunities for improvements..https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/UKVI-CSAT.Thank you in advance for your time. UKVI International Enquiry Service
Personally I think that was a disgraceful reply and a complete waste of time.
The new International Help Team have done nothing more than copy and paste the existing unhelpful statement issued by UKVI which was already published on the GOV website here