Hello to one of our newest members ( I don't know your actual [Christian] name - only the username you've given) ... and a very warm !

Can I start by saying how saddened I am to read of the predicament in which you and your fiance find yourselves. I feel for you BOTH ... really I do ... and immediately think, "there, but for the Grace of God, go I!

Y'see, like many of my fellow members, I was fortunate in being able to bring my Filipina sweetheart to my homeland several years prior to the implementation of the harsh (and, IMHO, grossly unfair new rulings you're facing now.

Nowadays I doubt if I could manage it financially - despite my State Pension being augmented by a modest one from my former employers - hence the remark, "there but for the Grace ... " at the
end of my second paragraph.

Alas, I cannot offer any easy solutions. Nor can I expand on any of the wise advice my friends have already provided. Instead ... ... I shall simply conclude by wishing you and your loved one all the very best in your efforts to be together.