I have also had experiance of a brother-in law being refused a visa as recently as 3 weeks ago. But he is young and single so I suppose we half expected it, although I have sponsored 2 other brothers, a sister and Mum and Dad in the past and all have returned home to the P.I. within the 6month visa period. This time he is being sponsored by my English B.I.L. ex para with 20 years service and dying of cancer. His MP has taken up the case, it may do the trick but nothing is certain.
I dont think you will have any joy with the newspapers though.
But I have a question, why is the charity paying for his ticket? I never give to charities as I believe they waste most of the money and this seems to prove the point.I have never had an employer that has paid for my holiday. $600 a month is also top of the tree salary for the Philippines, my guess is someone at the embasssy seems to think that something is not quite right. If its a British charity i would definately keep the newspapers out of it.