Hi All

Wondering if i could get some advice. I've read other posts but none seem to cover my questions, let me know if i've missed something tho - i might just need pointing in the right direction!

My sister has lived and worked in the Philippines for the past 6 years for a UK charity, fostering 3 street children & living in tough conditions in Ozamis City devoting her life to the people & country, she is fluent in Cebuano & while working she has met & married a local Filipino Man. They now live together & are jointly fostering (in the process of adopting) the 3 children.

They have made their lives in the philippines and at present have no plans to come to the UK to live. However they would like to visit the UK as a couple.....

My BIL applied for a visa before they were married last year which was turned down. Recently he applied for another vias, to come for a 4 week visit over xmas. this was also turned down. As far as i can tell we have given the embassy all the info they need. My other sister & her husband are sponsoring them (they are wealthy), & have sent bank statements, proof of income, affadavits etc etc. and the charity they both now work for have put up the money for the air fare & sent a letter of support, plus we have also sent countless other letters of support from family members & close friends who know my BIL.

So far the consulates reasons for not giving him the visa are that 1. they do not believe that my sister who is sponsoring him is really going to! 2. They don't believe the charity would want to pay for his trip when he is only paid $600 per month salary.

We are looking for advice on what else we can do to improve his chances of getting a visa, they are planning to appeal the decision so i would appresiate any tips on how to do this in the best way & any other information we could add to the application to make it stronger.

Many thanks Rachel Bright