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Thread: Earnings and savings advice

  1. #1
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    Earnings and savings advice

    I am flying out to the Phili on June 5th with the hope of helping my wife apply for her spouse visa , One thing that does concern me is that of my savings and bank balance ,
    They have taken a severe hammering this last 9 months and especially since Christmas , as I was in the Philippines for Christmas and new year and then to sort Moneras papers out correctly .My earnings for the previous tax period are well in excess of the minimum requirement being just over £30.000 . I send Monera an allowance of £180.00 pounds each month for her rent and food as she lost her job 14 months ago , But with the other problems we have had to overcome and the money I have had to send out my spending has been greater than my earnings will this affect our visa application ??

  2. #2
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    I'm sure I will be corrected if I am wrong, but I am sure they just want to know you meet the required amount to be able to bring your spouse over.
    My bank balance is nothing to write home about and although I earned near enough the same as you, my balance doesn't reflect this.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Janedan0913's Avatar
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    As long as they know that you have money oming every month and won't depend on benefits then that will be fine. Just provide your payslips at least 6 months the most but you can add more just to be on the safe side...your p60 and you might as well add your previous p60. Just provide all the papers that will prove your incomes. Other members might add more to this...Just make sure that you can pay the fees and provide all the requirements then you will be fine. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Hiya Mick,

    Just to put your mind at rest UKVI are not interested if you have spent x amount of £ even if you have nothing in the bank or overdrawn by a thousand pound or even if you owe £20 grand on credit cards....

    All they are interested in is that you meet the minimum income requirement of £18,600 in which you certainly do.

    So just chill on that one I assure you that your fine as others will give clarification to this.

    Happy holidays on June 5 and have a wonderful time with your mahal.....

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick foreman View Post
    I am flying out to the Phili on June 5th with the hope of helping my wife apply for her spouse visa , One thing that does concern me is that of my savings and bank balance ,
    They have taken a severe hammering this last 9 months and especially since Christmas , as I was in the Philippines for Christmas and new year and then to sort Moneras papers out correctly .My earnings for the previous tax period are well in excess of the minimum requirement being just over £30.000 . I send Monera an allowance of £180.00 pounds each month for her rent and food as she lost her job 14 months ago , But with the other problems we have had to overcome and the money I have had to send out my spending has been greater than my earnings will this affect our visa application ??
    Nothing to worry about at all Mick.

    Concerning finances you only need to comply with the appropriate income threshold (for a couple that's £18,600 gross per year.)

    UKVI have no interest in your either your spending habits or your liabilities .

    You must however submit all of the following evidence:-

    - Payslips covering the 6 months prior to the date of application submission.

    - A letter from your employer who issued the payslips to confirm your employment and gross annual salary, the length of your employment, the period over which you were paid the level of salary the type of employment (permanent, fixed-term contract or agency etc).

    - Bank statements covering the corresponding period as the payslips that show the salary being paid into your account.

    If you're lucky and happen to have your 2013/2014 P60 then include it.
    Likewise, if you have a signed contract of employment then include that too.
    The deadline for P60's to be issued this year is 31st May so you should have it to hand by the time you leave UK.
    I wouldn't bother including any previous P60 as that only references the period 2012-2013 which is of no use and can even lead to confusion..

    You don't need to include anything about savings unless you relying on cash savings to fill a gap on income.
    UKVI will only count savings above £16,000 factored for the future 30 months anyway.

    have a safe trip and Good Luck Mick

  6. #6
    Respected Member mick foreman's Avatar
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    I have been a member of various forums in the past , but this site is by far and away the best , because of the honest , helpfull . sincere and friendly nature of its members . You really are a credit to yourselves and I thank you all for your help and patience with me , there is no chance I would have progressed as far as I have without your help , I am sure I may have many more questions that the answers are obvious to yourselves but not to me !!!!
    Thank You !!

    Thank you

  7. #7
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mick foreman View Post
    I have been a member of various forums in the past , but this site is by far and away the best , because of the honest , helpfull . sincere and friendly nature of its members . You really are a credit to yourselves and I thank you all for your help and patience with me , there is no chance I would have progressed as far as I have without your help , I am sure I may have many more questions that the answers are obvious to yourselves but not to me !!!!
    Thank You !!

    Thank you
    Thank you Mick, on behalf of everyone. Just one more thing, keep the application simple no need to supply more than what is asked for. Good luck!

  8. #8
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    As has been said you dont need to have savings. You only have to prove you earn the required amount.

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