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Thread: My trip to Philippines almost cancelled!

  1. #1
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    My trip to Philippines almost cancelled!

    Just back from seeing the consultant at the hospital after my Dentist referred me back in January (got to love NHS waiting times)

    Not the news I expected! Apparently my three wisdom teeth need to come out, I knew that. But also I have another tooth that the nerve has died and I have a massive abscess in and around it. They wanted to rush me in for surgery first thing in the morning! And sign me off work for a week...I asked if it was ok for me to fly as I am on holiday next week, he said not for at least one week after..... So either the holiday got cancelled or the surgery...... So surgery is cancelled against the doctors advice!

    It's no wonder I had real bad toothache at the start of the year... No pain the last month or so, lets hope it stays that way for at least the next 6 weeks until I get home!

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Fingers crossed
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    So either the holiday got cancelled or the surgery...... So surgery is cancelled against the doctors advice!
    Maybe not the wisest thing to do. Can't say I "blame" you, though ... I'd have done the same in your circumstances.

    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post
    It's no wonder I had real bad toothache at the start of the year... No pain the last month or so, lets hope it stays that way for at least the next 6 weeks until I get home!
    Yes ... the esteemed Scottish Bard, Robert Burns wasn't far off the mark with his reference to toothache being "the hell o' a' diseases"!

    Here's wishing you a thoroughly enjoyable, pain~free six weeks' holiday in the Philippines ... and all the very best to you and your fiancee for your forthcoming nuptials.

  4. #4
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    Dental treatment is cheap and mostly top quality in the Phils...just in case you do have an emergency while there (as are antibiotics for the abcess).

    I too had a dental appointment (tomorrow), but decided to cancel, as it was non-urgent and I didn't want to risk any cock-ups before my departure next week.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Dental treatment is cheap and mostly top quality in the Phils ...just in case you do have an emergency while there (as are antibiotics for the abscess).
    's true, Graham ... I'd just been about to add those reassuring facts to my previous post, then decided to mention them separately.


    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw;48 View Post
    I too had a dental appointment (tomorrow), but decided to cancel, as it was non-urgent and I didn't want to risk any cock-ups before my departure next week.
    there too ... and may you also have [another] wonderful time with your mahal.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Dental treatment is cheap and mostly top quality in the Phils...just in case you do have an emergency while there (as are antibiotics for the abcess).

    I too had a dental appointment (tomorrow), but decided to cancel, as it was non-urgent and I didn't want to risk any cock-ups before my departure next week.
    Better than risking it in some MRSA infested establishment being "treated" by a goon from overseas with fake qualifications speaking pigeon English

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    's true, Graham ... I'd just been about to add those reassuring facts to my previous post, then decided to mention them separately.


    there too ... and may you also have [another] wonderful time with your mahal.
    Thanks Arthur .

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Better than risking it in some MRSA infested establishment being "treated" by a goon from overseas with fake qualifications speaking pigeon English
    You are a card Dedworth.

  9. #9
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    I sympathise and understand your decision in the circumstances, Slip.

    Just as UK dentists need to be registered with the General Dental Council ( and those from overseas need to first pass a written and clinical exam, based on standards required of the ¾ of UK dentists who qualified here ), so you can check up on credentials of dentists in the Philippines with the Philippines Dental Association.

    As you know, a dental abscess can be very painful, so make sure you have painkillers such as ibuprofen and / or paracetamol.

    It will have been explained that the only way to cure a dental abscess is by the dentist or dental surgeon cutting into it to drain away the pus ( fluid containing the bacteria / bugs ).

    Antibiotic resistance ( including MRSA ) is a worldwide problem. It's more so in the Philippines than the UK. This is because antibiotics have been, and may still be, purchased " over-the-counter ", or online ( although they should be prescribed, as here ). They may be wrong / inappropriate ( or fake ) for a particular infection. Even if genuine, the course may not be completed.

    However, antibiotics may not always be needed for dental abscesses unless there are complications ( like local spread ). If they were needed, amoxicillin ( a type of penicillin ) or metronidazole would be appropriate , so resistance to methicillin ( as in MRSA ) would not usually be an issue.

    Good luck, and again very best wishes for your forthcoming wedding .

  10. #10
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    The law has now changed in the Philippines, antibiotics are now only available on a prescription which I discovered last month while I was there....

  11. #11
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    The doctor said he would prescribe me antibiotics for while I was away.

    It wasn't until I got down the road I realized he never did! but then he also told me that when I got to main reception in the hospital and handed in my pink slip to say I need another appointment, that they would make a note I wasn't availible for 6 weeks. The receptionist said she couldn't do that the doctor should have done it. Whatever happens I will no doubt miss my surgery and have to explain why and try and get a new appointment on my return.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    Not a major problem to obtain them while in the PI, just visit a medical centre and pick up a prescription...

  13. #13
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Hiya Slip,

    Having same probs myself actually on Amoxicillin till root canal treatment in 5 days, what I would say is if you like to have a few drinks there stick with Amoxicillin if it flares up.

    Don't touch Metronidazole if you're drinking alcohol a problem of side affects like vomiting and a warning on the tabs to avoid booze.

    Anyway have a great time there...

  14. #14
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Hiya Slip,

    Having same probs myself actually on Amoxicillin till root canal treatment in 5 days, what I would say is if you like to have a few drinks there stick with Amoxicillin if it flares up.

    Don't touch Metronidazole if you're drinking alcohol a problem of side affects like vomiting and a warning on the tabs to avoid booze.

    Anyway have a great time there...
    Do you know what, I don't really touch Alcohol. Never been a big drinker, got drunk a bit in my teens but last time I had a proper drink was in Seychelles 3 years ago on my last night there (see avatar pic!) but very much doubt I'll be drinking in Philippines, maybe a toast at the wedding, that's about it.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Longweekend View Post
    The law has now changed in the Philippines, antibiotics are now only available on a prescription which I discovered last month while I was there....
    At last, that's really good news!

  16. #16
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    No new laws that I know of regarding anti biotics bought some just yesterday.

  17. #17
    Respected Member cheekee's Avatar
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    When I was in Cebu in January I found some pharmacies wanted a prescription, some didn't.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Apart from the pain I had in January which promoted my first visit to the dentist in around 4 years, I haven't had any pain from my teeth really.

    Otherwise I may very well have had my surgery last Friday and ignored the risk and still flown tomorrow.

    Hopefully I will stay pain free for the next 6 weeks

  19. #19
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    Just an update seeing Arthur bought the subject up in another thread.

    I did get real bad toothache while out in Philippines.... So went to a chemist and got over the counter amoxicillin. Took these for 5 days and they didn't really help. Then I went to a different chemist and got a different type of antibiotic (name escapes me) And a 5 day course of those have seen me pain free the past 4 weeks or so.
    I have my operation in hospital July 2nd, so hopefully problem solved then!

    I remember seeing a thread on here before about the availability of antibiotics in Philippines... In both small local village chemists they were available over the counter no questions asked.
    However a larger chain one inside Robinsons mall wanted a prescription, so my obvious suggestion is to try the small little chemists if you need some.

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