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Thread: Family to be reunited after dad's immigration battle

  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Family to be reunited after dad's immigration battle

    he was refused entry yet he had 2 appeals against deportation turned down

    he was in the UK for 12yrs why didn't he sort his citizenship out then

    But Mr Reagan was refused entry into the country, despite having previously been granted indefinite leave to remain as he had lived in England for 12 years before the couple emigrated.
    The couple had two appeals against the deportation turned down, and missed celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary together as a result.

    The tribunal judge ruled on Wednesday that Mr Reagan's deportation was a breach of the couple's right to respect for family life.
    it looks like he was deported, the judge ruled it was a breach of the couples right to repsect for family life, i wonder if it was because they had kids or they were married so long

    but it shows you, don't give up, after being deported and 2 appeals being turned down he finally got his visa

    read more here ..

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Mrs Reagan said they took advice from the British Embassy on whether Mr Reagan needed to apply for a new visa before flying back. She says they were assured there would be no need – but the family was still separated at Heathrow Airport.

    he had ILR in the past but never knew it could expire, i find it hard to believe when they must have applied for many visa's over the years, they didn't check themselves

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    he had ILR in the past but never knew it could expire, i find it hard to believe when they must have applied for many visa's over the years, they didn't check themselves
    Interesting Joe!

  4. #4
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    mmm Makes my blood boil, right decision too thanks to the rights of a private family life.

    This guy apparently is an upstanding citizen who has done no harm or has posed any threats to security here in the UK. Unlike some of the scum who should be hung, drawn and quartered then dumped out of the country in a body bag - and we all know the types I am talking about - those that actually pose a massive risk to the security and safety of our country...

    Rant over...

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ILR has the word INDEFINITE in it. It is easy to see why it confuses a lot of people, as technically it should not expire. To make it more clear, it needs to be renamed.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    mmm Makes my blood boil, right decision too thanks to the rights of a private family life.

    This guy apparently is an up standing citizen who has done no harm or has posed any threats to security here in the UK. Unlike some of the scum, who should be hung, drawn and quartered then dumped out of the country in a body bag - and we all know the types I am talking about - those that actually pose a massive risk to the security and safety of our country...

    Rant over...
    some on here had been refused a visa, many people out there in the UK are decent people but had been refused for whatever reason, this guy had 2 appeals refused, and yet some judge decides his case is different from anyone else's and gives the reason for a right to a private family life, but why hasn't everyone who had been refused given the same rights as this guy?

  7. #7
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    some on here had been refused a visa, many people out there in the UK are decent people but had been refused for whatever reason, this guy had 2 appeals refused, and yet some judge decides his case is different from anyone else's and gives the reason for a right to a private family life, but why hasn't everyone who had been refused given the same rights as this guy?
    Fair point Joe.

    What I can think of is his rights as a father of British children that certainly comes under article 8 but I am glad for him and his family nevertheless...

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    but the kids had been living in SA for the last 10yrs, so there is no reason why they couldn't go back and live with him , one of the kids is only 9 so he must have been born in SA

    I'm glad for him, but i'll be much now if 'a right to a private family life' applies to everyone

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