he was refused entry yet he had 2 appeals against deportation turned down
he was in the UK for 12yrs why didn't he sort his citizenship out then
But Mr Reagan was refused entry into the country, despite having previously been granted indefinite leave to remain as he had lived in England for 12 years before the couple emigrated.
The couple had two appeals against the deportation turned down, and missed celebrating their 20th wedding anniversary together as a result.
it looks like he was deported, the judge ruled it was a breach of the couples right to repsect for family life, i wonder if it was because they had kids or they were married so longThe tribunal judge ruled on Wednesday that Mr Reagan's deportation was a breach of the couple's right to respect for family life.
but it shows you, don't give up, after being deported and 2 appeals being turned down he finally got his visa
read more here .. http://www.nottinghampost.com/Family...ail/story.html