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Thread: My poor cat

  1. #1
    Respected Member Slip's Avatar
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    My poor cat

    Just took him to my Dads where he will be staying the 6 weeks I am away.... He is a very nervous cat, I got him from a cats home a couple of years back and he took a good week to come out from behind the sofa when I got him home.
    He sort of knows my Dad but he still went and hid behind his sofa when we got there. I stayed for one hour but I have work in a bit so had to leave him.

    On the plus side it means I have tonight and half a night tomorrow night left at work, then Tuesday lunchtime

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slip View Post

    He sort of knows my Dad but he still went and hid behind his sofa when we got there. I stayed for one hour but I have work in a bit so had to leave him.
    ... sort of knows? ... he'll know alright - especially with him having been a stray - he won't exactly be too keen on being left with anyone else!

    .......................................... 's why he's hiding ...

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Cats are like that Slip.
    It usually takes a good couple of weeks for a cat to get comfortable in a new environment.

    Ideally your cat should be kept indoors for the first couple of weeks, just to minimise risks of attempting to stray back to his old home, getting lost or run over.

    It's a good trick to let them outside for the first time before a meal and when they're hungry. Best is to stand at the open back door and let them explore for a few minutes, then get them back inside for food.

    Hope this helps Slip.

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