I don't get this. What are you suggesting? Vote Labour? Vote Conservative? Don't vote at all?![]()
Cor you've changed your tune.
Although some here would try to persuade you otherwise these 2 are one in the same.
Cameron justifiably in my opinion was referred to as the heir to Blair. They both occupy exactly the same ground in politics Blair having brought Labour in from the left and Cameron having brought the Tories in from the right. There is a fag paper of difference between what they believe and we are just pawns in their game.
I'll be marching on May 1st with the only people in this country who represent the interest of the working man, Trades Unions and in the forthcoming elections I wont be voting for any of the 3 main parties. They don't deserve anyones vote.
Well UkIP in European and conservative in National, Inflation down,unemployment down,wages rising.
It's a no brainer![]()
I'm even getting a postal vote so I can vote for good sense.![]()
http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk...l-9268469.htmlAndrea Leadsom, the new City minister, used controversial trusts to reduce her potential tax bill and took advantage of offshore banking arrangements for her buy-to-let property company – in an apparent contradiction to George Osborne’s attempts to crack down on tax avoidance.
i just look at the bigger picture-under labour we nearly sunk,it's taking ages to sort the mess but we slowly getting better.
Don't want to give the keys back to the person what crashed the car.
and I'm looking at reality les, i haven't had a pay increase, my misses hasn't had a pay increase, my stepson hasn't so where are these people who are getting pay rises and how many of the working population are ?
i didnt know labour had been driving around most of Europe and the world causing crashes![]()
Unfortunately they drove around Uk and caused a multiple pile up-hopefully never againi didnt know labour had been driving around most of Europe![]()
Well, it would be suicide to vote for UKIP!![]()
Unfortunately labour borrowed it all and maxed out the credit card hence the years of debt we now have to repay
The truth is, I've been around a long time and from starting work after leaving school up until now, whatever party has been in power has never really knowingly affected my life personally and nothing ever changes. Inflation will always be the same so will wages and taxes, we just have to get on with our own lives and if you strive for something in life save up until you can afford it be happy and grateful we live in the UK, it's better than most other places. If UKIP ever got in power you would lose a lot of what Great Britain has given us since the second world war, many worked hard to give us what we are lucky enough to have now and it's the moaners that are going to lose everything we fought for all these years!![]()
disagree michael both labour and tories have lied to the public and not kept the pledges its time for a whole new type of goverment I want to give Ukip a chance to govern this country to see what they are really about instead of focusing on immigration.Immigration is now a big issue for lots of the uk population thats why they are fast at coming to the forefront of politics .both the main parties are running scared of them both don,t want to admit mass immigration is wrong and has upset the british way of life.There will always be a need for immigration but not at the levels that have happened recently.nigel farage is spot on what he says about europe ive watched every single one of his speeches and youtube clips and he is dead right on everything he has said .hardly anybody can get a job nowadays paying more than the minimum wages because of the influx of europeans .In the old days employers had to offer decent wages to attract good labour now with labour all over the place they want the cheapest labour ,as a result our living standards have fallen dramaticly coupled with the high cost of energy etc .bringing in all this labour has not reduced the cost of living has it ?
Here is a fact for you in Corby there are 46 employment agencies WTF you cannot get job security anymore because employers are using them so much these days. You practically have to go through a job agency to get work, and most of them only want foreigners on their books because they all work for the minimum wages.
Interestingly the UKIP posters have already been branded "Racist" which usually happens when the argument has been lost. I think they're excellent
Joe, Farage is not against immigration, hes against total open door policy to the whole of Europe. He has repeatedly said he wants controlled immigration but the media tend to cherry pick his words and twist them. Let,s look at this scenario The UK,s economy surges ahead and the rest of Europe goes into reverse. Where do you think everybody will head to? YES, across the water to our already overcrowded country. The motorways are packed out as it is, they can,t cope with the traffic we have at the moment. There are not enough houses getting built, so rents and house prices going through the roof. The hospital waiting lists have gone way up, the schools have not got enough places to go round - the list is endless - wake up and smell the coffee.
I agreeThat's what my parents unwittingly taught me...Rely on no one apart from yourselves.
I can't blame the foreigners for wanting to come here, I did just the same years ago. At least they are not standing still in their misery, moaning about their lot. Excellent post Michael.![]()
Surely these lowlife can be filtered out ? Why should the law abiding majority be made to suffer.
I do agree though. ..White British communities are being destroyed ......This is not new. ..it was happening in the East End in the 70's. ... This is the fault of Governments past and present.
I'm so glad I'm not living in the south east. ..it must be awful.
Excellent posters...and clearly not 'racist' at all.
Thanks Dedworth.![]()
They are good posters, UKIP will do very well in European Elections![]()
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