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Thread: UK visa applicants: update infomation regarding ETS and approved english language test

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    Respected Member will1927's Avatar
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    UK visa applicants: update infomation regarding ETS and approved english language test

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    News article

    UK visa applicants: Updated Information regarding ETS and approved English language tests English

    The Home Office’s contract with Educational Testing Service (ETS) ended on April 5, 2014

    Expiry of Educational Testing Services’ (ETS) licence to carry out secure English language tests: impact on student visa applicants.

    The Government wants to ensure that this change does not have an impact on genuine international students who took an ETS test in good faith before the licence expired.

    UK Visas and Immigration are accepting visa applications which rely on an ETS certificate issued before the expiry of the licence was made public on 17 April. These applications will be considered subject to our normal checks. Applications will be accepted until new Immigration Rules come into effect and transitional provisions have come to an end.

    Will the Home Office accept TOEIC and TOEFL results from ETS before the contracts ended?

    We would like to reassure students, currently studying in the UK, whose TOEFL or TOEIC certificates were obtained overseas through ETS, that they can continue their studies as normal.

    Applicants with an ETS language certificate will be subject to interview by UKVI to ensure thorough scrutiny.

    Students with TOEFL or TOEIC certificates obtained through ETS who have yet to apply for a visa should check the Gov.UK website before applying or contact their university for further information and guidance.

    Some Universities are no longer accepting any ETS test results, what guidance can we give to these students affected?

    Customers who have obtained a TOEFL or TOEIC certificate from ETS after the Home Office’s contract with that supplier ended on 5 April 2014 should refer to for further information on how to make their UK visa application.

    However it is for the university to decide which tests they will accept.

    Last edited by will1927; 8th May 2014 at 22:38. Reason: attachment

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