Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
I'm very surprised you had no complaints with the food, coming from the person who started this thread complaining about a little arrow on the tv screen . I would agree airline food is not great but I've managed to eat it on most airlines but not on Philippines. My wife does not want to fly them again anyway, she wants to use Thai or Singapore again...
I actually found the food on Philippine Airlines not that bad at all
I make sure I have a full English breakfast before I board any flight and then i don't get high blood when the choice of meal provided by the airline is not available "sorry sir we only have fish and noodles left"

I normally take a goody bag with me anyway Pringles jaffa cakes and more chocolate

Never board a long haul flight hungry and take your own supplies......

Why would your wife want to waste her time in Bangkok or Singapore when she can fly directly?