Ah, Rayna ... I can empathise with the way you feel about driving, as my dad tried to teach me to no avail when I was in my early twenties many moons ago. Indeed, I'm the ONLY adult male member of my entire family I can think of, who still hasn't "mastered that [to me] elusive art".
Now back then, it didn't really bother me all that muchbecause I'd always been a keen cyclist ...
... relying on my bike to get me from 'A' to 'B' or 'wherever I wanted to go'.
Sadly, my late first wife, Iris - like her mother before her - developed rheumatoid arthritis (NOT Arthuritis, I hasten to add!) But she had long harboured the notion to drive and - aided by a combination of sheer willpower and determination - finally passed her test at the age of 34 in 1973. Whereas, me ... well ...... I never even got to the stage of sitting a test in the first place.
Oh I did consider starting again from scratch - using a fast track method - after being widowed. But by then I was 51 ... "too old at that age", according to my mum - who promptly dismissed the very ideaby saying I should have listened to my dad all those years previously, instead of trying to "run before I could walk" so to speak.
But, of course, you're still young, Rayna ... time is on your side. Speaking from personal experience, though (and no offence to Keith!)sometimes - rather than being taught by our nearest and dearest - it's a wise move to engage the services of an impartial outsider.
Here's wishing you the best of luck with your efforts ... whatever your next move in that respect.![]()