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Thread: Alley Lot

  1. #1
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    Alley Lot

    Is it legal to sell alley lot? Even though the buyer don't have property in that place? He rent his brother-in law property and the renter bought the alley lot which is bounded to our land. Our sketch plan , the surveyor and the ROD plan are the same. we want to use the alley lot too but the problem they close and make it private because according to the renter and he showed us (deed of sale and special power of attorney) that he bought the alley lot. If we fight for the alley lot, do u think we win? Your answer is greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marconnie View Post
    Is it legal to sell alley lot? Even though the buyer don't have property in that place? He rent his brother-in law property and the renter bought the alley lot which is bounded to our land. Our sketch plan , the surveyor and the ROD plan are the same. we want to use the alley lot too but the problem they close and make it private because according to the renter and he showed us (deed of sale and special power of attorney) that he bought the alley lot. If we fight for the alley lot, do u think we win? Your answer is greatly appreciated. Thanks.
    I dont understand what you mean by an Alley lot?? Do you mean something like a right of way?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I assume that's what it means Fred, this one's a tricky one for me, but I'm sure someone will know the answer, also welcome to the forum Marconnie, hope you find the answer your looking for!

  4. #4
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    If it a right of way that is on the DENR drawings then it cannot be sold.. Not legally anyway!

  5. #5
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    Yes, alley lot is right of way or an easement. That is what my architect told me. Michael. Thank you for accepting me here. Fred, Thank you for enlightening me.

  6. #6
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    Michael Parnham= thank you for accepting me here.

    Fred= my architect told me that alley lot, right of way and easement are the same.

    Yes, the drawing was submitted on the ROD 9 years ago. So if it is in DENR and cannot be sold, who own the alley lot/right of way? Thank you so much for your responses. It helps me to decide to fight for this right of way.

  7. #7
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    Another question: If it is on the DENR and cannot be sold that means the previous owner has no right or power on that alley lot anymore from the time he submitted the Sketch plan and approved by DENR?

    It means also that he gives the alley lot to the people who live in that place?

    Am I right? It's either their is a deed of donation or nothing?

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