These stone age vermin are only fit to live in a sewerJust as an aside I hate all this infantile hash tag photo nonsense - although maybe someone should start one # we want our country back
That's not on the list
2. Eligibility
To be recognised as a refugee, you must:
have left the country you’re a national of or, if you’re stateless, the country you usually live in
be unable to go back because you fear persecution
be unable to live safely in another part of the country you left
have failed to get protection from authorities in the country you left
This persecution must be because of your:
political opinion
membership of a particular social group that puts you at risk because of the social, cultural, religious or political situation in your country - eg your gender, gender identity, sexual orientation
This is disgraceful and the type of Islamification that we should be worrying about and campaigning against, not arrows on aeroplane map displays!
The people in Sudan responsible for implementing these "laws" should be subject to sanctions, travel restrictions and anything else that we can legally use against them!
If it is the law in that country you should abide by it. All countries are not as tolerant as the UK!
Andy you are right but to execute someone for not folowing Islam
Maybe we should adopt the same here then - non Christians get stoned to death![]()
I wish this damn so called religion would disappear for good.
All I hear and see these days are medieval punishments, fanatical looneys, womens rights ignored etc.
I would feel better if a whole load of Muslims went on the march saying how they oppose these practices - but it ain't gonna happen because even the moderate ones probably agree and at worst dare not speak out.
C'mon follows of Islam, prove me wrong - denouce these barbaric acts![]()
Shocking story. Perhaps we should take the lead for once and close down their London Embassy and put a stop to any aid we give to this .....hole nation
Saying we should be more tolerant towards Islamic rubbish is like saying we should be more tolerant towards the likes of Jimmy Saville and Stuart Hall![]()
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