Indecent doctor struck off by the General Medical Council
Indecent doctor struck off by the General Medical Council
He did his medical degree at the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland
10/10 Joe
Just shows Drs can have flaws too.
The woman Dr I try to see at my surgery I respect and listen to her advice.
Doctor struck off for offering FGM advice
This creature should be tried, jailed and deported
Doctor in £280,000 scam suspended for four months
An out and out crook, should have been struck off and deported
Another British trained doctor
BM BS 2001 University of Nottingham - sorry Dedworth, better luck next time![]()
I don't know, can't find him at the mo,
Search here ..
That's the site I've looked at before, the problem is some of these maggots spell or present their names in different ways and undoubtedly there will be a number using false details.
Save a bit of time in future though Joe I didn't intend this thread to be purely foreign or foreign trained Docs but to highlight the number of ne'er-do-wells employed in the NHS.
Without doubt many will be foreign / foreign trained as is borne out by the struck off analysis and the GMC Disciplinary Panel Appointments Book
Well Dedworth, you've got to admit many of those with foreign names you had believed they had trained outside the UK, but in fact, many had trained in the UK. Probably some of them were even born here..
So I wonder how many of these who are struck off are from outside the UK but took their degree in the UK![]()
Princess Alexandra Hospital 'foot wash' emergency doctor struck off
Another shyster employed by "the envy of the world" NHSHe tried to play the race card and lost
You know of one that is better, Dedworth
How many people are employed by the NHS Dedworth? From what I can see 1.35m, so you're going to get a few bad eggs out of that number
As for feet washing, I used to work with 2 Libyans and I once caught one washing his feet in the sink, disgusting![]()
... should've been kept on a longer leash!
Hmm ...... along with his sweaty socks presumably?
's Ramadan ... or - in his case - [the] "randan"!
"Had dock"(ed) his salary when she smelledsomething "fishy
about the socks being removed by way of a "red herring"!
... not so "shy" as to desist from removing his socks in front of a patient!
Junior doctor in court over child sex and indecent images charges
A Scottish Doctor has been binned
Doctor struck off over faked letters
Back to the usual suspects
Mersey GP guilty of groping in what was described as 'sexually motivated' behaviour
Looks like Australia has similar problems :-
Former Bundaberg surgeon Jayant Patel will face a disciplinary hearing later this year after a referral by the Medical Board of Australia.
- See more at:
A lashed up Romanian doctor this time
A doctor who was working at Wolverhampton's New Cross Hospital has been struck off after being caught more than three times over the drink drive limit - 35 minutes after finishing work.
Disgraceful that the GMC gave her 2 previous chances with 4 and 9 month suspensions - to be honest it isn't clear from this report that she's permanently banned from practicing in the UK. So much for protecting patients and the public![]()
South Tyneside 'twerking' doctor banned for serious misconduct
This deviant should be struck off not suspended
Why DID this happen? Anguish of parents whose newborn twin died because of bungling locum who struggled to speak English
Read more:
Well done GMC a Witch Doctor suspended for a year - you couldn't make it up![]()
Another completely inept "Doctor" given his P45 -
Locum histopathologist is struck off for clinical errors and lying
Will Addenbrookes & Norfolk & Norwich have learnt anything from this ? I doubt it GMC Disciplinary Hearings are awash with these foreign shysters
Am I being naive in assuming that these foreign doctors are required to take a (high standard) entrance exam before being able to take up employment here, as well as providing checkable references ?![]()
I'm sorry to say it but you are very naive Graham
I'm also a sucker in thinking that this chancer should have faced criminal charges :-
Matters came to a head three months into his contract at Addenbrooke’s, when he was found to have added a colleague’s name to a pathology report without her knowledge. Ten days later he claimed in a different report that another colleague concurred with his findings, when in fact that colleague had made a different diagnosis. When his employers asked how this claim had come to be in the report, Tosounidis suggested that someone else had added it after he had completed his report. Three days after this incident he was dismissed, and a week later Addenbrooke’s reported him to the General Medical Council, citing “concerns about behaviour, competence and probity.”
One might naively think from reading this thread that indeed our NHS is " awash with foreign shysters ".
• Of the quarter million doctors registered with the GMC to work in the UK, about 2/3 qualified in the UK ; followed by India ( 1/10 ) ; then Pakistan, South Africa, and Nigeria. Around 1/1000 trained in the UK are struck off ; 1/250 of those trained in India, and 1/350 Pakistan.
• Most doctors do a good job, and it does morale no good to read constant criticism.
• Some might think more than 1/3000 doctors should be struck off – but how many is acceptable, given the cost and time of training ? ALL doctors are now " revalidated " – annual appraisal to ensure, as far as possible, they’re competent and fit to practice.
• Some would wish the NHS to have only UK medical graduates. There are enough applicants from our medical schools. But the UK is multicultural, and foreign graduates fill essential posts, including locums, often in undesirable areas, that our graduates don’t want ( and can’t be forced ) to take on. Some foreign graduates also have top medical and surgical jobs in the NHS and our universities. The UK can’t afford to do without the third of its doctors who are foreign ( 1/5 GPs ; 2/5 hospital doctors ) any time soon.
• In the Philippines if you can’t afford to live healthily and have treatment when needed, the consequences are serious. At least in the UK treatment is available to all, even if standards are not uniformly high ( and in places unacceptably low ).
• Should it be the GMC in the dock? They set standards for undergraduate and postgraduate medical training and they should call doctors to account / protect patients from avoidable harm. We do recognise they have their faults, tending to delay difficult cases for too long.
• GMC requires " acceptable overseas qualifications " which meet standards as close to our own as possible ( ). It has powers to check English language skills in international and ( now ) European medical graduates. Local appointment committees MUST scrutinise references in addition to checking qualifications and communication skills.
• The governing body of the GMC ( Council ) has 12 members, of which only half are doctors and half are " lay " ( non medical ) members.
Hearings for doctors whose fitness to practise are called into question are run by the Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service ( MPTS ). The standards are set by the GMC, but the MPTS makes independent decisions, and has the powers to impose sanctions. Not only are most of the hearings held in public, but the panels are made up of a mix of doctors and non-medical people. They are appointed through open competition. Vacancies are advertised on their site ( ).
• I am not qualified to make judgements on all doctors whose practise falls seriously short of the standards expected of them. Some activities are self-evidently wrong ! But ALL doctors make mistakes. Others in the same specialty are best placed to judge whether the number of mistakes are compatible with their extent of training and responsibility. Should a surgeon be struck off because one patient died during an appendix operation ; or a pathologist likewise because a cancer was missed on biopsy ? Who would then attempt to do their work?
• These judgements cannot be made by one person alone– hence the balance of doctors and non-medics on the MPTS and GMC. One way to effect improvements is to be on the right committees, including patient representative and clinical commissioning groups.
Thankfully I’m not in the dock, and try to answer members’ questions, as well as picking topics which may be of interest to members from Philippines and UK.
Thanks Alan.![]()
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