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Thread: Doctors in The Dock

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Dedworth Doctors in The Dock 17th May 2014, 15:50
joebloggs He did his medical degree at... 17th May 2014, 16:11
Dedworth 10/10 Joe 17th May 2014, 16:13
mickcant Just shows Drs can have flaws... 18th May 2014, 06:56
Dedworth Doctor struck off for... 30th May 2014, 17:26
les_taxi Cut his dick off :biggrin: 30th May 2014, 18:15
Dedworth Doctor in £280,000 scam... 31st May 2014, 17:25
joebloggs Another British trained... 31st May 2014, 17:56
Dedworth Well done Joe, have you had a... 31st May 2014, 18:47
joebloggs :Erm: I don't know, can't... 31st May 2014, 19:05
Dedworth That's the site I've looked... 31st May 2014, 19:16
joebloggs Well Dedworth, you've got to... 31st May 2014, 19:24
Dedworth Well the figures state 75% of... 31st May 2014, 19:45
joebloggs Exactly, but I've posted a... 31st May 2014, 19:59
Dedworth Princess Alexandra Hospital... 6th June 2014, 16:54
joebloggs You know of one that is... 6th June 2014, 18:13
Pete/London Hi all, it's been a long time... 7th August 2014, 12:35
Dedworth A complete disgrace :cwm23: I... 7th August 2014, 12:54
Pete/London I since had both eyes... 7th August 2014, 13:53
Arthur Little :laughitupsmilie: ... bet ... 6th June 2014, 18:36
Arthur Little :doh ... should've been... 6th June 2014, 19:35
Dedworth Junior doctor in court over... 10th June 2014, 01:00
Dedworth Back to the usual suspects ... 10th June 2014, 10:47
Dedworth A Scottish Doctor has been... 10th June 2014, 10:44
Dedworth Looks like Australia has... 11th June 2014, 22:55
Dedworth A lashed up Romanian doctor... 7th July 2014, 13:32
Dedworth South Tyneside 'twerking'... 11th July 2014, 12:31
Dedworth Why DID this happen? Anguish... 12th July 2014, 00:35
Dedworth Another completely inept... 24th July 2014, 11:28
grahamw48 Am I being naive in assuming... 24th July 2014, 13:12
Dedworth I'm sorry to say it but you... 24th July 2014, 14:18
Doc Alan One might naively think from... 24th July 2014, 20:05
grahamw48 Thanks Alan.... 24th July 2014, 20:16
Dedworth Thanks Alan... 24th July 2014, 20:35
joebloggs Well Dedworth, you can... 1st August 2014, 20:37
Dedworth Proved me wrong, Many ???? ... 2nd August 2014, 21:39
joebloggs :crazy: Have you forgotten... 7th August 2014, 23:33
Doc Alan I'm glad to have helped both... 24th July 2014, 22:04
London_Manila With the amount of litigation... 25th July 2014, 00:57
Doc Alan Indeed ! But there are still... 25th July 2014, 02:04
Dedworth Crooked doctor hands back MBE... 1st August 2014, 00:25
grahamw48 A crook is a crook is a... 1st August 2014, 10:58
grahamw48 I'm with you Dedworth. ... 2nd August 2014, 23:07
Dedworth Haematologist is struck off... 7th August 2014, 12:30
Abigail I found this really... 7th August 2014, 16:05
Dedworth I fully agree, we need them... 7th August 2014, 22:46
Doc Alan I actually explained that -... 8th August 2014, 20:59
Dedworth Thanks Doc ! As you say the... 8th August 2014, 21:09
Dedworth Another chancer "Dr"Abdel... 7th August 2014, 16:34
Doc Alan The NHS is still the envy of... 7th August 2014, 20:23
mickcant For me, I try and see the... 7th August 2014, 22:05
Dedworth Doctor, 57, struck off for... 8th August 2014, 14:29
SimonH Hope he gets what he deserves... 8th August 2014, 14:31
Dedworth He was jailed in January so I... 8th August 2014, 14:34
joebloggs You've been caught out... 8th August 2014, 20:21
Dedworth Stop clutching at straws Joe... 8th August 2014, 20:27
joebloggs I think you would find many... 8th August 2014, 20:49
Dedworth I'm not discussing this any... 8th August 2014, 20:58
joebloggs A bit like your thread... 8th August 2014, 21:10
Dedworth These are some we don't hear... 10th August 2014, 20:15
joebloggs One Dedworth missed, I... 15th September 2014, 21:12
Dedworth Thanks Joe I tired of your... 15th September 2014, 22:06
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  1. #1
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    You know of one that is better, Dedworth

    How many people are employed by the NHS Dedworth? From what I can see 1.35m, so you're going to get a few bad eggs out of that number

    As for feet washing, I used to work with 2 Libyans and I once caught one washing his feet in the sink, disgusting
    Hi all, it's been a long time since I visited the site, but interesting topic.

    I was attending the Emergency Dept at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London on a Friday morning some weeks ago and you had to fight your way into the Gents toilet to take a leak and gave up on trying to wash my hands afterwards. The place was full of people barefoot, washing their feet in the basins, also cleaning their sinuses and blowing snot into the same basins. I have never seen anything like it.

    The standards in this country have really so deteriorated that it seems pointless to protest.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Hi all, it's been a long time since I visited the site, but interesting topic.

    I was attending the Emergency Dept at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London on a Friday morning some weeks ago and you had to fight your way into the Gents toilet to take a leak and gave up on trying to wash my hands afterwards. The place was full of people barefoot, washing their feet in the basins, also cleaning their sinuses and blowing snot into the same basins. I have never seen anything like it.

    The standards in this country have really so deteriorated that it seems pointless to protest.
    A complete disgrace I remember going there as a kid, the country's premier eye hospital has shamefully been turned over to health tourists and other undesirables.

    NHS "the envy of the world" as leftist propagandists would have us believe

  3. #3
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    I since had both eyes operated on there and I am full of praise for the hospital, great treatment, and the consultant carrying out the ops is going through the menopause and had to stop during the op to remove some clothes so she could cool down. So funny...and eased the tension....

    It's up to the management and security staff to to sort the other problems out, but I think most of the security was also washing their feet at the time.

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