It took a while to take the plunge and try and ride the bus here. Too scared that the driver might not understand what I'm saying, where I'm heading. I'm still cringing when crossing the street and to remind myself to look onto your RIGHT! not LEFT! and imagination would run into as stup!d as someone would shout 'Hey you foreigner! You don't even know how to cross the road!'. I'm also gaining confidence to say 'Sorry? and 'Pardon?' if I don't understand one of the various accents here. I know its all in my head that the barista and even those people queuing up would sharply turn their heads when I say 'large cappo staying in' with my strong american (as some Brits would call, Yankee). It became official that it was just my labyrinth-like imagination when nobody made a big deal when Rio Ferdinand and his kids went in to grab snacks, also, when Dwight Yorke picked up his take-away. I've calmed down a bit and settling here more as I need to accept that I have two homes now. Oh I miss my other home.
What are your own immigrant fears? How did you cope with it?