Quote Originally Posted by jane2009 View Post
That's right people always moan anyway! Lol... Why can't they try to live in Bronx New York that might be the place for them! Hahaha
Well, the OP used to live in the US so she probably knows what's like living there.

In my case, I did research before I came to UK and it wasn't also what I expected. I did moan about certain things and still moan some but that doesn't mean I can't accept my life here. Oh and I did moan A LOT about the visas and processing here in the UK, but should I live elsewhere if that's the case?

The OP has just expressed what she was experiencing and was wondering if it's the same elsewhere in the country. She did generalise about it but I think she now knows it's not the case. Mind you, just in this forum, there are plenty of moaners so you can't just single her out because of what she posted.