Some interesting topics

The American accent grates on me a lot = sorry I cant ignore it

You became ill eating a sandwich if I ever eat Balut I am sure I would be on the toilet for a week

Different bugs and germs in different parts of the world maybe Street food in Thailand makes me sick but the locals can eat it all day long

As for the filthy person who rearranged his genitals and then stuck his hand in the ice bucket
I would have told him directly to go and wash his hands because he has just put them down his trousers
Personal hygiene has no international borders = its down to the person not what country they come from

We normally treat adults like children if they behave like children surely thats the same the world over

If your in laws irritate you then simply tell them to butt out

The sofa was worn out thats why they would not let you have it = springs no good diba

Ok you were pregnant but not wanting to sleep in the same bed as your husband sounds a bit strange
A cold wont kill you and for sure you will catch that cold when he sneezes anyway
Do you really think that by sleeping in a different bed would have meant that you would not catch his cold
You live with him and he has a cold so 99% of the time your going to catch it what bed you sleep in makes not
Maybe next time your husband gets a cold you can go and live in a hotel for a week........
Go to your doctor and get a asthma pump........

What happens in the Philippines when a lalaki get a cold where does he sleep?

Yes I am useless in the kitchen as well and as for ironing I hate it
But then we would not expect you to do any building work or service the car

You dont like carpet either.....when I am in the Phills i actually look for hotels that have a nice carpet

Enjoy you rants anyway keep them coming