1. When it comes to hygiene my hubby is hygienic and so are my friends.

2. You live with your in laws. Whether you like it or not, you have to follow them and do what they like - coz it's their house.

3. My hubby brags about them inventing the English language but i never take it seriously. I just laugh at it. Hubby, though, is good at spelling and grammar and he pronounces it properly.

4. Regarding with health issues, my hubby took ill when I was pregnant but i didn't avoid him. I still insisted that he will kiss me before he goes to work or before we sleep. We are living under the same roof so I already expect that I will catch it which I haven't.

Unfortunately, my hubby lacks of household skills. I used to wish that my hubby and my father were the same (my father knows everything) but I realised that it's unfair on my hubby's part to compare him to my father coz they are different. I knew my hubby's like that before I married him so I just stop wishing for him to change. I manage though, to teach him few things.

6. Just tell your female in laws to stick their noses to their own business. Luckily my in laws are not like that.

I'm sorry but we see things differently. I think you need to stop comparing ourselves to British. You need to move on and get over it.