Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
On culture shock, horror, and disgust: Some of the emotions from which I'm still reeling...
Everyone's entitled to a rant. Yours was an interesting and imaginatively well written and one which I really enjoyed reading....so big thanks for that.

It's so true that there many cultural and regional differences on our planet.....we are not at all homogeneous in cultures, etiquettes and taboos.
We need to also be 'sensitive' to the personal cultures of individuals.

I have lived alone in many different countries, my wife and I have lived together in 3 different cultures...Philippines, Japan and UK

We try to take everything in our stride whenever we can and we try hard not to offend or to show we are offended.
However much we like to think we are all humans living together in a kind of 'global village' nothing could be further from the truth.

I believe that some of things you mention (especially in terms of hygiene and 'gear shifting') comes down to an individuals poor awareness and general respect.

Nice post and some valid points.