Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
That's alright! IT happens to the best of us.

I was trying to address your comments without stooping to your level. However, you give me no choice. My husband joined this forum before I did. Sadly, he has long since stopped coming back because, in his opinion, the men here don't want women they can't cow. I don't necessarily agree with him as I've had many fruitful debates and discussions with so many of the wonderful men here through the years. Unfortunately, there are times when bad apples like you prove my husband right. You've done nothing to further the discussion on this thread, you've come in several times just to post nasty comments and personal jabs, and you've been a complete ass this whole time. Of your 39 measly forum posts since joining last year, 7 were nasty comments on this thread. Thanks for spending about a fifth of your time on my thread. This discussion obviously means that much to you. Now I would thank you, sir, to go away and harass someone else.
Well RicIre, retire!