ive lived outside the phils since year 2000. i do visit every year but usually just for 7 days as i still need to see my husband then my boyfriend in london. admittedly, i was not very keen on coming here for my settlement visa application but i didnt have a choice so i just had to deal with it. i remember the first few nights how i cried myself to sleep. i did hit rock bottom. i submitted my application 4th of sept and my husband came to see me on the 14th for 8 days as he was increasingly getting worried each day as it was getting obvious how lonely, upset and depressed i was. it was very difficult as well for me not to have my passport. i wanted to go see friends and families living in the south east but i cant, i have no passport. so instead, they came over to see me. i started a novena as well, let me just say that my intention was granted on the 9th day as promised. i dont have much family here, but hey, its quality not quantity. we did alot of travelling around the philippines. non stop eating and drinking, for me very little shopping. i have 3 adorable nieces and one of them became a member of the phil team for wall climbing during my holiday. its a shame i will not be able to see her compete in singapore end of nov. i am very proud of her. the other one is a cheeky little monster and her ate is so quiet she scares me when she talks. lol. i really dont know what im trying to say here. i guess i am somehow shocked i am feeling this loneliness considering i wanted to leave the phils and be with my husband in the uk. i dont remember the last time i felt this way. i was always excited to get out. i dont cry much but yesterday after my dental appt i went to my brothers house and the cheeky monster said to me "tita, please dont go. i dont want you to go" i just smiled and said i need to be with tito but i will call everyday, turned my back, drove away, pulled over and started crying. its slowly hitting me now...i am leaving tom. i am going to be so far away from the children i have grown to love more each day. from the lifestyle that was very easy to get used to. my condo will be leased to holiday makers again when i leave. no more daily lunches with mates and gimiks in the evening. no more weekly out of town trips. at least for the time being.

at the end of it all, i know i am leaving tom to be with my husband. i love my husband more than life itself. maybe im being a drama queen, my hormones are working over time once again. i'll get off now and go to the gym, endorphines might do the trick.....