I will be sitting for academic IELTS in Manchester this Saturday and it will be my (gulp) 3rd time. I first took it last year around this time while I was doing a mind-boggling 12 hour shifts working as an ICU nurse in Egypt, the results didn't surprise me at all as I really didn't study at all. How could I? Speaking 7, Listening 8, Reading 7.5 and the dreaded Writing 6.0. Second time, I took it in Manila just last March, I also didn't make itReading 7.5, Speaking 7.0, Listening 8.5 and Writing 6.5
Only a half mark to meet my goal! ARGH!!!! I need 7.0 score in all tests to be able to work here. And I will be taking it again this coming Saturday. I know I shouldn't be ranting about it here but I am just feeling a bit lacking of motivation. I don't have my friends here, my Mom doesn't know how to operate a computer moreso to open Skype. My hubby is in Germany working but will be arriving tomorrow. Oh well, it will come, I will make my coffee to push my brain cells to work OT.