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Thread: 2 out of 3 'aint bad :-)

  1. #1
    Member CleverCaptures's Avatar
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    2 out of 3 'aint bad :-)

    Hi All,

    Just an overdue update. Over 3 years ago wifey, Love Mae Parker, and I began posting here about a plan to move from the UK to the Philippines. Done :-) We had 3 objectives. Start a business, start a family and start a sporting facility. The update can be summarized as follows. Business going well, beautiful Filipina daughter very healthy/happy but only a little progress has been made with the sports facility. So, as titled, 2 out of 3 'aint bad :-)

    If anyone would like any info on life here in southern Mindanao (Cagayan de Oro), just shout. And yes, this is the place where both the World Health Organisation and the British Government says don't go. But that is the typical advice of any authority that needs to cover itself so it makes such statements only so that it can fall back on them in the very unlikely event that you meet with some unfortunate circumstances. So don't believe the blah blah blah. Make your own investigations or research yourself, via people like us, for first hand facts.

    So, if you are seeking first hand Filipino life feedback or just happy to extend your friend circle, we are here, we are on Facebook, Skype and Yahoo and happy to assist. We received some good advice here a few years ago so just reopening communications here to see if we can do the same for anyone else :-)


    Peter Parker

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Good to know you are doing well. Thanks for the update
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Peter.. Sorry,I missed your original thread about moving over here from the U.K.
    Glad that you seem to have turned the move into a glorious success!
    We have never ventured into CDO but will certainly wander in that direction one of these days..
    We live on Panglao island BTW..

  4. #4
    Member CleverCaptures's Avatar
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    Hi Fred. Panglao! Oh wow. Love that place. I would love to hook you up with a beautiful video I shot there and on Virgin Island but the rules here mean I can't. :( Last time I posted a link to my photographic website it was considered I was advertising my business and told I cannot advertise here. It was not my intention at all. Just trying to share stuff with a select group that would clearly be interested in it. Anyhoo, wifey and made a purposeful yrip to panglao to start a family must be something in the water as it worked! Lol CdO is a dusty city compared to your environment but I need the city for business. Might retire there in Panglao one day

  5. #5
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Peter.. If you want to post a picture here in this thread or a new thread,that is absolutely fine.
    Simply right click the picture,copy the image URL and paste it in between these two tags..
    [IMG] HERE [/IMG]

    Cant remember the tags for posting a video but if you look a little above the text box you will see a set of posting tools.. Its the button thats second from the right.. It will request the video URL..Paste it in and click OK.. Your video will be displayed once you click reply!! Easy!!

    Never been over to that island,so I`d be interested to see it..

  6. #6
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    Good to hear that you're all doing well Peter, and looking forward to your contributions.

  7. #7
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Hi Peter,
    I spent some time in Mindanao (Cagayan de Oro) in 2008
    I stayed in the Grand Hotel, I liked the place and spent time in the square café most evenings.

    I had a resort wedding there in 2oo8, sadly the marriage did not work out but I would happily spend more time there.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by CleverCaptures View Post
    Hi All,

    Just an overdue update. Over 3 years ago wifey, Love Mae Parker, and I began posting here about a plan to move from the UK to the Philippines. Done :-) We had 3 objectives. Start a business, start a family and start a sporting facility. The update can be summarized as follows. Business going well, beautiful Filipina daughter very healthy/happy but only a little progress has been made with the sports facility. So, as titled, 2 out of 3 'aint bad :-)

    If anyone would like any info on life here in southern Mindanao (Cagayan de Oro), just shout. And yes, this is the place where both the World Health Organisation and the British Government says don't go. But that is the typical advice of any authority that needs to cover itself so it makes such statements only so that it can fall back on them in the very unlikely event that you meet with some unfortunate circumstances. So don't believe the blah blah blah. Make your own investigations or research yourself, via people like us, for first hand facts.

    So, if you are seeking first hand Filipino life feedback or just happy to extend your friend circle, we are here, we are on Facebook, Skype and Yahoo and happy to assist. We received some good advice here a few years ago so just reopening communications here to see if we can do the same for anyone else :-)


    Peter Parker
    A nice positive update and outcome....glad to learn it worked out....well done you both

    My wife is originally from Mindanao. Over the years we've made many visits and tours.
    Davao area will be our first step and base. Just where will be our 'last' is up for grabs.

    Welcome back aboard Filipino UK

  9. #9
    Respected Member
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    Hi, Peter -would like to get in touch with you - so will try to contact thru one of the moderators

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by irishman12 View Post
    Hi, Peter -would like to get in touch with you - so will try to contact thru one of the moderators
    Noel ... I've duly sent a private email to this member asking that he gets in touch with you - by the same method - in accordance with your request.

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