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The link does not work so I cannot comment on anything there. But, make no mistake, the Philippines has a huge number of deficiencies that need fixing.
I am one Englishman who not only observes this, records it and highlights it but I also take the time to do what I can to improve things in the area where I live. I enjoy my life here but probably the biggest criticism I have is that the overall lack of intelligence, business acumen, professionalism and common sense (like it or not these are hand in hand with the development of a nation as these have to develop also) holds the nation back.
People accept bribes to vote and then wonder why the people they voted for are corrupt!? People vote for TV stars or a boxer (celebrities) to represent them in congress where those celebrities have demonstrated no specific ability to make good judgments or draft policies to promote the growth and success of a nation!? The nation sees the copying of copyrighted music, movies and fashion accessories as a prolifically good idea yet it fails to see the significant benefit in copying non-copyrighted business plans, models and proven work ethics that have successfully developed many other nations!? I am continually leading the horse to the water but this particular horse seems to prefer drinking it's own urine in an ever decreasing circle of failure.
If any of the above offends you and, worse still, you do not see the merit of changing the nations ways to improve, then you are part of the problem. None of the above is a criticism. It is an observation supported by facts. Ipso facto, I have not fabricated this, just observed it and highlighted it. But, as time progresses, so will the smart ones living here and then so will the nation. It will just take time. I initially thought it would be easy for a modern day 3rd world nation to up its game by simply copying the good bits of the developed nations but I have learned and realized that this needs both a government and a nation of people who are smart enough to realize this. Simply giggling and laughing about problems and failings (that's what Filipinos do) seems a lighthearted way to overcome things as nobody gets heated, angry or frustrated but also, nothing improves.
Outside of business and politics the Filipino is probably the nicest person I have ever met. I tend not to mix with non-Filipinos here as I prefer the company of the Filipino. If I did not, I would have stayed in the UK. But that is a sinking ship that I could not wait to step off. My life is significantly improved here, it is significantly easier and is significantly more enjoyable. The west has forgotten a great deal of what the Filipino community specializes in - human interaction and community spirit! Oh! I do NOT include in that the ignorant and rude "new" Filipino culture of sitting at dining tables on Facebook or texting and ignoring those in their immediate company! That and the disease of taking and posting "selfies" indicates a very low level of intellect and an erosion of the wonderful community spirit that the Filipino displays. (sigh) Maybe the advent of technology IS the erosion of real society......nevertheless, I will continue helping as many as I can to be the best they can be - that is actually very rewarding :-)