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Thread: Searching for a genuine filipina girl

  1. #1
    Respected Member Nick30's Avatar
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    Searching for a genuine filipina girl

    Hi, so sorry I haven't been around for a while but hope everyone is well. I'm so nervous of online dating because I hear horror stories that filipino girls chat to more than one guy and once they arrange to meet, the girl never shows up especially at the airport after travelling all this way and that's terrible. It makes me nervous of who I'm chatting online with and I hope I can meet a lovely genuine girl and if any member on this forum knows anyone either friends or family then I will be so grateful to be introduced to them and get to know them.

    So sorry for the rant friends but it's just shocking to read the horror stories so thought I share with you all.

  2. #2
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'm chatting to a few at the moment, and unfortunately on the site I use, get the impression that after the usual introductions etc then money pops up.

    Last one was maybe only 20 mins when medicine needed for Father reqd

    The cost only £250.00 bargain I thought as I accidentally deleted her

    I did meet a girl which brought me to this Forum a few years ago. She was there when I arrived, but more importantly we had spent 18 months chatting.

    I would chat at least 6 months before considering going over again as it gives you a chance to see if she is genuine

    My impression and knowledge of the dating sites is 2 out of 5 are genuine, I reckon.

  3. #3
    Respected Member Nick30's Avatar
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    Which sites you use Les? Good job you deleted the one who was tricking you into buying medicine for her father. That's a good long time you had both chatting and over a year too and I think yes six months chatting and getting to know the person is better that way.

  4. #4
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Cherry blossoms is the one-lots of lovely Filipinos on there

    I try to look for early 30s-35 age range, no kids (although some of the nicest have kids).

    Often get 18 year olds saying age does not matter but nearly 40 years in my opinion is too big a gap for me.

    Just remember the saying, if it's too good to be true it probably is, the most stunning model type ones are very likely chatting to a dozen guys. I go for attractive but with nice smile and softness in their looks.

    In your profile you can put that please don't reply to me if it's a financial arrangement you are seeking (in the nicest terms).

    That has still not stopped some trying it on with me.

    I do understand their plight tho and if some mug wants to send them all his money in a way even tho it's wrong you can't be too harsh on the girl as we know life for some is real poverty - not the joke poverty we think exists in UK.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Nick30's Avatar
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    That's why you have to be very careful with Internet dating sites.

  6. #6
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    That's why you have to be very careful with Internet dating sites
    Yes, but i would be confident now I have used them and know what to look for. Money should not be mentioned early on, if it is instant - cull!

  7. #7
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Good luck with your searches guys!

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Nick.. What happened with the girl you was introduced to from a member here?

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I still think the best way to meet people is to ACTUALLY come here and meet them.

    To each their own I guess!!

  10. #10
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I still think the best way to meet people is to ACTUALLY come here and meet them
    Not sure Fred, I think you might feel under pressure and a bit like 'Jonny No Mates' turning up on your own wandering around trying to meet someone.

    You would know zilch about them and might feel vulnerable.

    At least if you chat for at least 6 months you should get to know them a bit and make it easier when you get there.

    I did that and when I got there she was waiting and it all fell into place easily.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Nick30's Avatar
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    It doesn't seem to be working out Fred and Les is right, I don't want to turn up alone there, so hope to be introduced to someone on this site.

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Look for a single Filipina in the UK with citizenship, and save the visa money. Plenty of them about.
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member Nick30's Avatar
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    How do I go about that mate?

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Have a look on something like or hang around Catholic churches on a Sunday, but don't wear a plastic mac and hide in the bushes
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    but don't wear a plastic mac and hide in the bushes
    Gimp mask should be fine though

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick30 View Post
    How do I go about that mate?
    Hi Nick.
    It's the start of the Filipino Barrio Fiesta season now......always worth a visit.

  17. #17
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Yes, it's the Ripon one soon

  18. #18
    Respected Member Nick30's Avatar
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    I'm in West Sussex but I might check it out. As for POF I tried but no replies and I don't really trust that free site. I should try going to Catholic churches.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    I'm chatting to a few at the moment, and unfortunately on the site I use, get the impression that after the usual introductions etc then money pops up.

    Last one was maybe only 20 mins when medicine needed for Father reqd

    The cost only £250.00 bargain I thought as I accidentally deleted her

    I did meet a girl which brought me to this Forum a few years ago. She was there when I arrived, but more importantly we had spent 18 months chatting.

    I would chat at least 6 months before considering going over again as it gives you a chance to see if she is genuine

    My impression and knowledge of the dating sites is 2 out of 5 are genuine, I reckon.
    I'd put it way less than that .....Im not convinced dating sites are the way to go either Perfectly okay to line up some holiday company but long term, nah

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I'd put it way less than that .....Im not convinced dating sites are the way to go either Perfectly okay to line up some holiday company but long term, nah
    I can recommend them for one nights stands

  21. #21
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nick30 View Post
    Which sites you use Les? Good job you deleted the one who was tricking you into buying medicine for her father. That's a good long time you had both chatting and over a year too and I think yes six months chatting and getting to know the person is better that way.
    nick the the first time money is mentioned just ditch them ,the genuine ones will go the distance.always insist face to face camera that helps to eradicate the ladyboy scammers

  22. #22
    Respected Member aprilmaejon's Avatar
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    I met my husband on, I was 18 back then and he was 27. Tagged is like Facebook, you can see the person's profile (pictures, likes, dislikes, interest, etc), I'm not recommending it as there are also lots of scammers in there as well, scammers are anywhere anyway. I am just saying as my love life started from there...

    I sent him a friend request first along with my HELLO message after seeing his gorgeous face (profile picture). He accepted my request then replied to my message and the feeling was mutual, he was attracted to me first thing he saw my picture profile.

    We started exchanging emails everyday, then decided to talk face to face using Skype. I myself sent him actual love letters in a nice perfumed piece of letter every month. The feelings became stronger and stronger each day which made us both scared of the outcome of the relationship...on my part, I thought he was just playing a young bachelors game with me, making me fall for him and leave me afterwards. I thought he was just fooling me around as he was young and people said that western men on their 25-35 still don't want to commit in a relationship as they just want sex, sex, sex and easy life. While on his part, he thought that I might be a scam, and according to him "I am too good to be true". That's why he came over to Philippines to see if I am real and to confirm our feelings to each other. We spent over a year chatting and exchanging emails everyday, then he visited me after I graduated from college, then when he went back home, both of us were struggling because we were apart so he proposed to marry me, get a fiancé visa and marry in England.

    In over a year of chatting, we never talked about money. He offered to send me school allowance but I declined it. I am always put off by such a thing so he never mentioned it to me again but in his actual love letter in paper, he put some money in it along with a little present then he apologised for it.

    Anyway, to make the story short, we are married for 2 years now and we actually got married twice, one here last April 2012 and one in the Philippines 3 weeks ago and we are happy...........

  23. #23
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    I met my husband on, I was 18 back then and he was 27. Tagged is like Facebook, you can see the person's profile (pictures, likes, dislikes, interest, etc), I'm not recommending it as there are also lots of scammers in there as well, scammers are anywhere anyway. I am just saying as my love life started from there...

    I sent him a friend request first along with my HELLO message after seeing his gorgeous face (profile picture). He accepted my request then replied to my message and the feeling was mutual, he was attracted to me first thing he saw my picture profile.

    We started exchanging emails everyday, then decided to talk face to face using Skype. I myself sent him actual love letters in a nice perfumed piece of letter every month. The feelings became stronger and stronger each day which made us both scared of the outcome of the relationship...on my part, I thought he was just playing a young bachelors game with me, making me fall for him and leave me afterwards. I thought he was just fooling me around as he was young and people said that western men on their 25-35 still don't want to commit in a relationship as they just want sex, sex, sex and easy life. While on his part, he thought that I might be a scam, and according to him "I am too good to be true". That's why he came over to Philippines to see if I am real and to confirm our feelings to each other. We spent over a year chatting and exchanging emails everyday, then he visited me after I graduated from college, then when he went back home, both of us were struggling because we were apart so he proposed to marry me, get a fiancé visa and marry in England.

    In over a year of chatting, we never talked about money. He offered to send me school allowance but I declined it. I am always put off by such a thing so he never mentioned it to me again but in his actual love letter in paper, he put some money in it along with a little present then he apologised for it.

    Anyway, to make the story short, we are married for 2 years now and we actually got married twice, one here last April 2012 and one in the Philippines 3 weeks ago and we are happy...........
    Great story

  24. #24
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aprilmaejon View Post
    I met my husband on, I was 18 back then and he was 27. Tagged is like Facebook, you can see the person's profile (pictures, likes, dislikes, interest, etc), I'm not recommending it as there are also lots of scammers in there as well, scammers are anywhere anyway. I am just saying as my love life started from there...

    I sent him a friend request first along with my HELLO message after seeing his gorgeous face (profile picture). He accepted my request then replied to my message and the feeling was mutual, he was attracted to me first thing he saw my picture profile.

    We started exchanging emails everyday, then decided to talk face to face using Skype. I myself sent him actual love letters in a nice perfumed piece of letter every month. The feelings became stronger and stronger each day which made us both scared of the outcome of the relationship...on my part, I thought he was just playing a young bachelors game with me, making me fall for him and leave me afterwards. I thought he was just fooling me around as he was young and people said that western men on their 25-35 still don't want to commit in a relationship as they just want sex, sex, sex and easy life. While on his part, he thought that I might be a scam, and according to him "I am too good to be true". That's why he came over to Philippines to see if I am real and to confirm our feelings to each other. We spent over a year chatting and exchanging emails everyday, then he visited me after I graduated from college, then when he went back home, both of us were struggling because we were apart so he proposed to marry me, get a fiancé visa and marry in England.

    In over a year of chatting, we never talked about money. He offered to send me school allowance but I declined it. I am always put off by such a thing so he never mentioned it to me again but in his actual love letter in paper, he put some money in it along with a little present then he apologised for it.

    Anyway, to make the story short, we are married for 2 years now and we actually got married twice, one here last April 2012 and one in the Philippines 3 weeks ago and we are happy...........
    Hey, we have the same love story! Hahaha. But we are just about to take the marriage life as we are currently waiting for the result of fiancee visa.

    To Nick, I guess, when it comes to dating site, you wouldnt really know who you are talking. They are correct, the first time a person mention money, do not every reply. My fiance and I were chatting for 4 months before he went here to see me. We never talked about money and sex whilst we were still chatting. Tho, we talked about money but it was all about the expenses going here. I paid for our hotel, he paid for his plane tickets and for our expenses everyday.

    Going to dating sites to find true love is quite hard, it is like you are playing in a casino but I am pretty sure that there are really women on it who are looking for serious commitments just hard to find but I am assuring you that you will feel it. My fiance just signed up two weeks ago before the day we started talking on a dating site, he receives 200 messages a day and the first time I saw him, I felt really strange, until now, I don't know how would I describe that feeling. I sent him a message "I dont know how you are going to notice my message, BUZZ?" and I didnt expect for a reply because there were really lots of sexy girls messaging him, but on my first message, he responded. After 2 days we decided to deactivate our profile on Date in Asia and we exclusively exchanging messages, what I am saying is, you will really feel it. and now, the man who was once a stranger before, is now my fiance and will be spending the rest of his life with me.

    Also make sure to look at the woman's signed up date, because you might wonder why shes been on dating site for a long time and hasnt found his man yet. RED FLAG.

    If a woman almost show her everything on the profile profile picture. RED FLAG

    If a woman is jobless, RED FLAG.

    And also, read the profile, you will see there if the person has sense, not about the content but how they wrote it.

    For you, you should show how genuine you are to your contact, not an advantage taker to a filipina so they would also not take advantage of you. Those were just from my opinion

  25. #25
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Nick, just take your time, just talk to anyone that comes along, thats what i did, then if something clicks between you and someone just talk to her and see what happens, start as friends, try different sites too, but remember once you have found someone that you enjoy talking to, make sure you say goodbye to the rest, be true to yourself and who you are talking too,

  26. #26
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    if the women is jobless, why is it a red flag,

  27. #27
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    f the women is jobless, why is it a red flag
    True-I have chatted some lovely girls who are jobless-it's not their fault.As long as they don't pester for money then it's fine.
    Also if a girl has been on site for ages it could mean all she has chatted to are western perverts-there are lots of em.

  28. #28
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    so true Les, there are some bad men out there who will promise everything but give nothing, it seems to work both ways,

  29. #29
    Respected Member Jentobeharrison's Avatar
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    Red flag means a warning, not really to avoid. No offense but I would rather look for a job first and be employed first before sitting in front of my computer and log in on dating site.

    Maybe I am thinking too much, but as I said, those were my opinion. If I see a man whos been a member of a dating site since 2008 and will be chatting with me now, I would really wonder why he is still there.

  30. #30
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    No offense taken at all,
    The internet chatting sites as i call them was the best thing that happened to me, but as i keep saying you must be upfront with who ever you are talking too, and that means both of you, why waste your time and there time too,

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