The benefits tourists: Couple on £38,000-a-year state hand-outs pictured with their NINE children enjoying a £5,000 holiday in Menorca - that's been paid for by YOU
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The benefits tourists: Couple on £38,000-a-year state hand-outs pictured with their NINE children enjoying a £5,000 holiday in Menorca - that's been paid for by YOU
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So what if they are on holiday. Good for them.
It's the benefit system that is wrong, and that is controlled by the current government. You can't have a go at people for claiming what they are legally entitled to.
Keith - Administrator
These leeches are banging out kids to get more and more handouts and houses. It should all stop after they have 2
At least they are working 20 hours a week each and not like some who lay on there back sides watching Jeremy Kyle all day and don't contribute nothing to society but just take take take.
I have to agree with Keith on this one, the benefits system is definitely wrong and these people are claiming full entitlement, I say good luck to them and hope they enjoy their holiday but would also say the current system needs a lot more overhauling...![]()
In my opinion they are scheming parasites having untold kids and then expecting the taxpayer to fund their lifestyle and house them
What a nation we are creating,Saying good luck to them is a weird thing to say when the rest of us end up paying for them.In my opinion they are scheming parasites having untold kids and then expecting the taxpayer to fund their lifestyle and house them
Just because the benefit system let's them sponge does not mean we should applaud them![]()
both working part time, you're lucky they are not working full time dedworth, i dont think they are claiming the child care element of tax creds for 7 kids, that's got to be over £500 a week
talk about wasting taxpayers money, looks like daves helping his mates again
David Cameron Treats His Personal Trainer (Among Others) To A Taxpayer-Funded Lunch At Chequers
It pays to work.![]()
Couple are expecting twins, which will push their benefits above £40,000
Did you miss the above Joe-i work can i have 40,000 in benefits?
So thank god they are working Joe-,poor mites they are having to work a whole 20 hours a week-I do that on a wknd.
At the end of the day more ....... spongers expecting everyone else to pay for their kids etc.
I say again I'm simply amazed how you can think this is ok.![]()
Typical Labour reaction from Joe - they're good at spending other peoples money. When it runs out they leave puerile notes in desk drawers like former chief secretary to the Treasury, Liam Byrne
Blame the EU as well. Everyone has a right to family life, and to have as many kids as they want, regardless of whether or not they are working or not.
As mentioned above, both work, and both claim everything legally. If they were fiddling the benefits I'd have something against them, but they are only doing what I would do under the same circumstances, and that is claim my legal entitlement, as everyone on here is hopefully doing.![]()
Keith - Administrator
100% disagree with you Keith,you should not be bringing kids into this world if you can't support them.
When I got married and had 2 kids we could not even afford a phone,lived in a little coronation street house and i had to work really hard for many years to be able to afford decent holidays.The mantra today is ah don't worry its your right to sponge off the state,benefit culture-again another lasting legacy of Labour.
Ok lets take it to the extreme then lets all have lots more kids,work part time and all claim lots of handouts
The country would go bust
told you before on here I pick up these single slappers from asda,trolly ful lof food,beer,fags-take them to a really nice council house-sky dish fitted and all.
Ask em what they doing today-bit og tv not much is the reply.
They happily have the kid to put them in the position to gain accommodation and benefits-many don't want to work why should they is the cry!
Tell you what next time i pick one up I will take pic of their terrible living conditions so we can all feel sorry for them!
Makes my ....... blood boil when i'm out there working a 7 day week at the moment
Right have to go to work now to earn money to pay my bills-be nice to have had the Sunday off but it's my 20th consecutive day at work!
I' do this so that i can have a bit of time off to watch the England games and buy my beer with my hard earned money.
I believe in working,earning then treat yourself!
Nothing to stop people having kids, we have no laws against it, so anyone can have as many as they want, working or not. Legally. If you don't like it, blame the laws the politicians make, not the general public.
You also forget that we are a religious country, and tens of thousands believe it not using contraception, as well as pregnancy being a gift from God. So do we ban religion? Do we make it unlawful for people who are out of work not to have babies? How far do we go before we become North Korea?
Keith - Administrator
There has to be a compromise somewhere, or maybe not
My personal point of view is that if I can't afford to support my child fully then I wont have children, maybe that's why I'm becoming at father for the first time at the age of 46
If it were up to me I'd stop child benefit after then second child, this may stop certain people churning out another meal ticket![]()
No still disagree-people have to take responsibility it's not a government problem thats crazyIf you don't like it, blame the laws the politicians make, not the general public.
Live by your means,not buying the religious argument-not in Uk anyway.
More like people not giving a ....-what a society we are turning into.
The Benefit system was there to help you in bad times-not a lifestyle choice!As I said in post #3 successive generations of these benefit dependent grubs is one of the main causes of Broken Britain
Trouble is now there would be a riot if you tried to alter it dramatically-to put it back to it's original purpose.
So we are stuck with it,I have no argument if it's genuine hardship through loss of job,disability etc but not able bodied people taking theand letting the rest of us pick up the bill to feed and clothe them and their kids.
That has to be wrong don't know how anyone can defend that.![]()
Another trollop (who has never worked) playing the benefits system :-
Mother-of-three on benefits who spends her money on luxury holidays and designer clothes dumps father of her child so she can claim £17,000 as a jobless single mum
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Like i said what a nation we have become,I remember my mum having 3 jobs and being totally embarrassed once when she had to get a provident loan,she was ashamed!The aspiring glamour model, who has never worked, now has her rent and council tax paid for by the state – and spends much of the £1,000 monthly disposable income she gets on nights out, clothes and five-star holidays to Turkey.
People today don't know they are born!
In complete contrast :-
Mother of Britain's biggest family is pregnant again with her SEVENTEENTH child - at the same time her eldest daughter is expecting her second (but none of them is on benefits)
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There could be risks in having children later on in life, also less time for the father to be able to support the child thru school, college and uni, as the father might have retired
This is not really about Child Benefit which is £20.55 a week for the eldest child and £13 a week for each other child. I think it's the Tax Creds where most of the money is..
But as scouser Keith has said they are doing nothing wrong, but to stop abuse like this maybe benefits should be cut after 4th kid![]()
They claim Child Benefit Dedworth
Err that's £20.55 for the eldest, looks like 12 others under 18, thats err £13.55 * 12 = £162.60 + £20.55 is 183.15 a week in Child Benefit,
183.15 * 4wks, it's paid every 4 wks , is £732.60
If they are so successful, why are they claiming it? Also, I think if one of you earns £50k a year you can't claim it
But good for them, it means more tax cuts for the rich![]()
It means less money's available for people who really need it![]()
Simple solution. Get rid of ALL benefits. Build some shanty towns in the cities (aka leave some wood lying around in the mud). Sorted.![]()
Keith - Administrator
I claim child benefit - I've paid enough in taxes over the years. But CB is only a small part of the problem I object to the fact that the specimen in post # 21 has all her rent and council tax funded
The whole benefit system needs changing to prevent it being a lifestyle choice and stop the foreign benefit tourists.
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