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Thread: Good Day People

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Good Day People

    Hi to all the people who will read my post.

    I'm new here, My name is JB Padilla from Philippines. Male, Single, 25 y/o.
    I'm a graduate of Bachelors of Science in Business Administration a 4 year Course.
    I have a band and I'm the guitarist (Lead, Rhythm or Bass) a basic Keyboard and Drums.
    I'm also into cooking, painting, extreme sports, traveling. My really passion is traveling since when I was a kid.

    Im here just to ask if theres a way that I can search for a job or anyone would like to hire someone from Philippines.
    I would prefer a job for:
    1. personal/family/executive driver

    Why? Even if Im a graduate of a Bachelors Degree, driving is what I like and its not only about driving its also includes traveling. I love seeing and discovering new places, food, culture, people, scenery, etc..
    I chose UK because there is so many historical places that I want to see and study, its like that I wish I have chosen to get the degree on history, but maybe someday I would invest myself to learn on more history.

    This is somehow not related on my topic but I wish to visit the girl that I loved but we didnt progress of the main reason of having a long distance relationship, She is actually my schoolmate for almost 8 years, and we just met each other again in online and why tried to work things out but we just last for a couple of months.
    I know her, and I love who she really is, but we dont have choice but to go in separate ways. sigh..

    Thats all, I cant put all my story and experiences here sorry for my long post and maybe this post is also prohibited, and maybe also nonsense
    Thank You very much for at least reading my post.
    Delete it if you may.
    Have a Great day people!

  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    The easy answer is no. Working here is virtually impossible these days for non EU people.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Hi there JB and welcome aboard Filipino UK

    That's quite an introduction...well done...enjoyed reading it.

    As Steve says, securing work in UK in these times for non-Europeans is extremely tough especially in those employment sectors you mention.

    If you can secure some internationally oriented employment that includes travel who knows what opportunites might come your way....

    Stick around JB you may discover inspirational ideas to help in your quest.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Also, welcome to the Forum JB!

  5. #5
    Trusted Member Rosie1958's Avatar
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    Hi JB, welcome to the forum. Sorry to learn that your relationship didn't work out. Maybe you can find another way to visit the UK some day, best of luck

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