I have to say that - being a Scot -I am most surprised
to discover I'm the first member to raise a thread on the above.
Not that their outcome makes that much difference to me ...... but still ...!
UKIP certainly showed they were a "force to be reckoned with" (as predicted!) ... gaining a commendable 13% of the total vote - nearly half that of their leading contenders, Labour - while the Tories and their Lib Dem coalition partners (perhaps unsurpringly!) BOTH took quite a "hammering" at last Thursday's polls.
Now ... for those who are interested in seeing how Nigel Farage's MEP candidates fared ... it's simply a case of watching David Dimbleby's 'European Elections Special' - commencing at 11.15 on BBC1 tomorrow night.
Normally, I'm inclined to be critical of too many political posts ... but these are crucial times for the UK in general if we're hoping to witness a welcome shift away from's two MAINSTREAM parties and have a BIGGER say in our affairs both at home and on the European stage.