100% disagree with you Keith,you should not be bringing kids into this world if you can't support them.
When I got married and had 2 kids we could not even afford a phone,lived in a little coronation street house and i had to work really hard for many years to be able to afford decent holidays.The mantra today is ah don't worry its your right to sponge off the state,benefit culture-again another lasting legacy of Labour.
Ok lets take it to the extreme then lets all have lots more kids,work part time and all claim lots of handouts
The country would go bust
told you before on here I pick up these single slappers from asda,trolly ful lof food,beer,fags-take them to a really nice council house-sky dish fitted and all.
Ask em what they doing today-bit og tv not much is the reply.
They happily have the kid to put them in the position to gain accommodation and benefits-many don't want to work why should they is the cry!
Tell you what next time i pick one up I will take pic of their terrible living conditions so we can all feel sorry for them!
Makes my ....... blood boil when i'm out there working a 7 day week at the moment

Right have to go to work now to earn money to pay my bills-be nice to have had the Sunday off but it's my 20th consecutive day at work!
I' do this so that i can have a bit of time off to watch the England games and buy my beer with my hard earned money.
I believe in working,earning then treat yourself!