Hi, everyone!
I feel so down and lonely and I have no one to talk to.
What shall I do? Somebody, help me, please.....
Hi, everyone!
I feel so down and lonely and I have no one to talk to.
What shall I do? Somebody, help me, please.....
I'm sorry but you are probably not going to like my answer - find someone else!
I wish you well.
your right there AL,
he's the one with the problem not you, maybe he has a reason for acting like this, LDR's are difficult enough
Maybe he's got REGLA?????????
or just being grumpy???????????
You've only been in contact 2 weeks for God's sake......with an attitude like that just find someone else.....in fact you SHOULD be chatting to a few at once, and make sure they have a decent job, and are not a MANC![]()
Keith - Administrator
Hello Princess, sorry to hear about your 2 week old BF what is his problem, did he spit out his dummy when he didnt think you were being malambing enough for him, next he will be throwing the toys out of his pram...
Dont take it too hard, there are many fish in the sea for you, some of the courtships on here lasted years, mine was at least 2 years before we married, 2 weeks is a nano blip in these type of relationships.
Best of luck....dont let it get you down...
Pete_Forum Moderator
Philippines marriage, Courtships, UK Entry Clearance
hi dhang,
sorry to hear about ur situation right now with ur boyfriend..well i agree with most of our guys have said here..
there are lots of fishes in the ocean.. at least u have known the real him at this early stage of ur relationship.
u're only in a two weeks relationship but he's acting childish for his age..
Its not ur lose, sis!![]()
Tell him you were watching Premier league football..Last night, he got irritated at me because according to him, i seem to be not interested at all to him because when he asked me "how are you" i said "i'm fine... watching a TV program online"
Problem solved.
sorry dang but what can i say is you just meet him 2weeks ago on online dating and you falled in love with him without knowing him well, oh thats rediculous.and now he pushed you away from him if i were you don't contact him even phone or email just live him alone and find another man
At least you found out quickly that he is an idiot, and so it hasn't wasted too much of your life. Good luck in finding a man who deserves you - but try not to fall in love too quickly next time!
sadly as honest as some people can be others are not,before you get attached to anyone to quickly chat to lots of guys and think of all the stuff u wanna know about them and what they think.
and dont be to trusting let him come to u!
Hey, there are loads of decent single blokes out here, looking for nice girls (dont anyone say it!!!! lol).
Just like there are many female scammers, there are also low-life blokes too. Shop around and try a few!.
You should never buy anything before you try it anyway![]()
Dhang..............does the name Mark roll off the tongue?![]()
Keith - Administrator
From your last paragraph.... Do I take it that you will try the milk before investing in the whole cow...????![]()
hahaah, nope - as always - i will jump in, buy the heard and then find the foot and mouth!![]()
dhang, i agree with what everyone else is saying ... move on ... you will find a good guy
This is the story Dhang: My BF drove home at break neck speed, he rushed to the post office to mail me a letter, cos he wanted to speak to me 6000 miles away, & it seemed like i was not really bothered about his efforts to keep the communication lines open as often as possible... I was wrong.... I really love my BF and I will not go and look for another guy.... Thanks, anyway for your responses...
Hi Princess_Dhang,
Firstly, welcome to the forum.
Im sorry to hear about you had a row with your Brit Bf but apparently now you made up again. I can imagine your smile on your face now.
Well, what I can share is this;
In every relationship, falling in love is the easy part, but building a healthy relationship takes time and hard word. Love is not enough to make a relationship work- it needs compatibility and it needs commitment.
Best Regards,
Next time, when he says,
" you go away, leave me alone"
Just leave him alone, give him some space. That doesn`t mean you will lose him, sometimes man wants to be on his own, the more you chase him or insist to talk to him the more he get annoyed. If after a day or two he did not apologise to you or initiate to talk despite you email him and ask how things going on, then you got to be brave to face the truth that he is not into you. A gentleman knows how to accept his mistakes and ask for apology. You are young and beautiful filipina be smart.
Hi, Keith
My BF and I were able to work things out... He wants our privacy and I want to give it to him... Can you please delete all my posts here? I just feel so stupid for having done things so hastily... I just felt really sad and upset when I posted that message... I'm sure I will get all the ridicules from people here...
I'm sorry for wasting your time, guys.... I may be banned for doing this... I just want to let my BF know that he really is important to me and that I care for his feelings...
I'm sorry and i hope you will delete all my posts here...
Thank you
Don't worry Dhang it's part of experience....and besides this is informative to those who undergo same situation like you but it depends to them how they’ll handle it.
Don't feel stupid...remember if we're inlove we do feel it sometimes or most of the time
Dhang_dont give up,just only trials...might be he have family problem....
Hiya Dhang... welcome to the forum...
Im sorry to hear your story... Give him space leave him alone for a while but be prepared to move on...
♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.
Princess..Just as well you didn't take the early advice eh??!!
It's part of long distance relationship. Hope both of you can handle this situation. Lots of consequences, one of them is insecurities for some reasons like, age gap? looks? etc...etc..
Goodluck misis![]()
There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.
when he gave out brainsone of them is insecurities for some reasons like, age gap? looks? etc...etc..
I thought he said trains
and I missed mine
when he gave out looks I thought he said books
and I said I didn't want any
when he gave out noses
I thought he said roses
so I asked for a big red one
when he gave out chins I thought he said gins
so I asked for a double
when he gave out legs
I thought he said kegs
so I asked for two fat ones
when he gave out heads I thought he said beds
so I asked for a soft one
I'm in a terrible mess!
have you been out in the mid day sun again fred![]()
He's in tha hammock having his tanduay![]()
There is always death and taxes; however, death doesn't get worse every year.
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