How ironic that I spend hours preparing a separate thread on obesity ( " Fat Chance " ), based on experience as a doctor, backed up by published evidence, only for a separate thread to appear, advocating a fad diet which is " proved to work " .

Such diets may work for a minority. The massive problem of obesity in UK, Philippines, and many other countries of the world can’t be solved in this way .

For the overwhelming majority, adequate exercise and a sensible diet – for life - would help reduce the problems of an unaffordable epidemic of obesity.

Choosing what one eats and how much exercise to take are lifestyle choices. They certainly have major consequences for individual health, and cost to the community.

At least my conscience is clear - ALL my posts are carefully prepared for the benefit of those who wish to read them .

I wish you luck, Les. " 5 : 2 " may work for you, as you say it has for your sister .