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Thread: The Worm has Turned

  1. #1
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    The Worm has Turned

    'The most extraordinary result in 100 years': Farage hails UKIP triumph as Labour and the Tories are humiliated and the Lib Dems are left with just one MEP

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    Ukip storms European elections

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Tory vote down 4%, labour up 9%+

    Tories lost at least 5 MEP's , Labour gained 5

    Good Libs lost most of their MEPs and BNP lost their only seat

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Tory vote down 4%, labour up 9%+
    Crap showing for an opposition party

    Well done UKIP they got my vote and nearly everyone else's

    This will affect voters in the General Election since Labour are running away from the in/out on Europe.

    Still not listening to the public Ed

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    Well done UKIP they got my vote and nearly everyone else's
    I thought they got 28%. Hardly everyone's vote, even the Tories got 24%

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    Terrible result.

    I feel sorry for the MEPs who, after doing a good job, have lost their seats. The UKIP MEPs will probably just follow Farage's example, by rarely attending, or by just turning up to be obstructive (after collecting their expenses of course).

    Taking a wider view of the elections, it's very worrying to see the far right parties doing well.

    But I'm sure this is just a protest vote. UKIP won't get any MPs in the General Election.

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    This was an amazing result and I for one will be voting for UKIP in a years time.

    For me it isn't just the question of Europe, but reducing the government and the sheer size of our spending budget. Only UKIP are prepared to do this, the Tories have lost their way since Bliar took office. Not only will we say goodbye to sending money to the EU, but UKIP promise to reduce spending on benefits and will finally privatise the NHS.

    Nigel Farage, I salute you sir.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
    and will finally privatise the NHS.

    One of the many reasons NOT to vote UKIP!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
    Terrible result.

    I feel sorry for the MEPs who, after doing a good job, have lost their seats. The UKIP MEPs will probably just follow Farage's example, by rarely attending, or by just turning up to be obstructive (after collecting their expenses of course).

    Taking a wider view of the elections, it's very worrying to see the far right parties doing well.

    But I'm sure this is just a protest vote. UKIP won't get any MPs in the General Election.
    These politicians need a wake up call

    Glegg lost seats and any credibility with his "out of touch" pro European remarks
    Farage wiped the floor with him in that radio debate

    People in this country want control of their borders again and are sick and tired of this mas influx of eastern Europeans = cheap labour

    These people offer nothing and just keep the wages low
    They flood our schools and use our nhs without paying anything into our system

    Why should Brussels dictate to us and control the Uk'S immigration policy

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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post

    People in this country want control of their borders again and are sick and tired of this mas influx of eastern Europeans = cheap labour

    These people offer nothing and just keep the wages low
    They flood our schools and use our nhs without paying anything into our system

    Why should Brussels dictate to us and control the Uk'S immigration policy
    You forgot the strains on housing and law and order these people create.

    Can Jamesey enlighten us as to what positives mass EE immigration give to this country ?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post

    One of the many reasons NOT to vote UKIP!
    The NHS is and was a stain on our great nation. I was in the US some years back and a friend of mine needed an operation and was able to get one within a week, not like the months of waiting on an NHS death list!

    Paul Nuttall MEP and deputy leader of UKIP has gone on record many times stating the obvious about the NHS and how we need to finally get shot of it and bring about a modern paid for health service. This would stop all those scroungers getting healthcare that costs us billions of pounds and finally end the notion that the elderly can be just sent off to a care home and the taxpayer will pick up the bill.

    In the Philippines it's the family who care for the elderly, as it should be here.


  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Totally agree with you Cheshire cheez

    Let's all go private, but what would the people who already go private do to get to the front of the queue

    Have you seen Logans Run, the gov should start controlling the population that way, starting off with themselves

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
    The NHS is and was a stain on our great nation.

    Paul Nuttall MEP and deputy leader of UKIP has gone on record many times stating the obvious about the NHS and how we need to finally get shot of it and bring about a modern paid for health service.
    ... "Nut all" would agree with you. And I'm one who would NOT!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    ... "Nut all" would agree with you. And I'm one who would NOT!
    The NHS is getting privatised regardless of which party wins in 2015, it will happen sooner or later. At least with UKIP you can get the painful transition out of the way sooner rather than later.

    As for Paul Nuttall MEP, just Google his name and NHS and his own website will clearly show his support for NHS privatisation.

    The coalition introduced some privatisation into the NHS, by giving NHS the opportunity to earn 49% of their income from paying customers with the Health and Social Care Act. But this act doesn't go far enough! Companies like Virgin Health and other healthcare providers already operate many NHS trusts and they should be allowed to earn 95% of their income from paying customers - with exception to emergency care, that should always be provided no matter who arrives in the hospital.

    The Conservatives have tried their best, but we clearly need UKIP to free up the NHS from state hands and allow us all to get the health care we deserve and can pay for.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
    and allow us all to get the health care we deserve and can pay for.
    If you're only earning £120wk that's not going to get you far

    The taxpayer is already paying £2000 a year, going private will cost a lot more, not many private companies are non-profit making

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    If you're only earning £120wk that's not going to get you far

    The taxpayer is already paying £2000 a year, going private will cost a lot more, not many private companies are non-profit making
    There will be low end health care providers who will provide something similar to the NHS now but for a small subscription.

    I was lucky enough to speak recently with a number of UKIP activists and they were mostly in agreement with me over the NHS and other publicly funded services. As an example, Michael Gove has privatised over 300 state schools, we need more of this to happen. Schools that perform better would then get more pupils and paid more in the process.

    It's a win/win for everybody.

    Only UKIP will pull us out of the European Court of Human Rights, this will allow us to bring back the death penalty, corporal punishment within education and take the streets back from the filth.

    UKIP is the way!

  17. #17
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post

    Only UKIP will pull us out of the European Court of Human Rights, this will allow us to bring back the death penalty, corporal punishment within education and take the streets back from the filth.

    UKIP is the way!
    Tbh ... ... the above-mentioned are the only reasons I diverted from my customary habit and voted UKIP.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Tbh ... ... the above-mentioned are the only reasons I diverted from my customary habit and voted UKIP.
    And good for you Arthur. Continue to vote UKIP in 2015 as well, only UKIP will slash public spending and privatise what is essentially a business - the NHS.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Longweekend's Avatar
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    I worked in Saudi for a number of years, every employer had to provide health care for their employees, some larger companies had their own company doctor, all other care was private, excellent service and facilities....

  20. #20
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    UKIP wont win a general Election, but hopefully will force the other two parties to listen to the public. I would want the NHS to be paid for by taxation rather than private though, as lots of people would struggle. Maybe add to the money raised for the NHS by two things in particular - Food and Smoking,in fact why not include risk activities like sports?

    I was a local-footballer and have had to use the NHS for desperate injuries, Maybe Sports Insurance should be compulsory, for risky outdoor pursuits like Mountain Climbing etc.

    Regarding tax on food - the idea of a junk food levy - I like the idea. Plus, when I have been on the beer and had a dodgy kebab i would not even know if you charged me more

    So keep it funded by taxpayers, but add additional funds by raising extra cash through the above.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    UKIP wont win a general Election,but hopefully will force the other two parties to listen to the public. I would want the NHS to be paid for by taxation rather than private though as lots of people would struggle.Maybe add to the money raised for the NHS by two things in particular - Food and Smoking, in fact why not include risk activities like sports?

    I was a local footballer and have had to use the NHS for desperate injuries. Maybe Sports Insurance should be compulsory,for risky outdoor pursuits like Mountain Climbing etc.

    Regarding tax on food - the idea of a junk food levy- I like the idea. Plus, when I have been on the beer and had a dodgy kebab I would not even know if you charged me more

    So keep it funded by taxpayers, but add additional funds by raising extra cash through the above.
    But you will be voting for UKIP in 2015 won't you Les?

    Therefore expect more NHS privatisation! Though I doubt we will suddenly see a paying system, I can see it evolving to such once more and more people get excluded from the NHS. Which isn't such a bad thing, let some of these people rot in their own filth if they continue to be a burden on the taxpayer.


  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by les_taxi View Post
    UKIP won't win a general Election, but hopefully will force the other two parties to listen to the public. I would want the NHS to be paid for by taxation rather than private though as lots of people would struggle. Maybe add to the money raised for the NHS by two things in particular - Food and Smoking, in fact why not include risk activities like sports?

    I was a local footballer and have had to use the NHS for desperate injuries, Maybe Sports Insurance should be compulsory, for risky outdoor pursuits like Mountain Climbing etc.
    Regarding tax on food-the idea of a junk food levy I like the idea of,plus when I have been on the beer and had a dodgy keebab i would not even know if you charged me more
    So keep it funded by taxpayers, but add additional funds by raising extra cash through the above.
    I agree with you 100% about compulsory sports insurance: Why should employers have to suffer the consequences of their staff having sick leave after self inflicted injuries playing violent contact sports.

  23. #23
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    What I'm trying to say is if you are low risk, don't smoke, not obese, don't do hazardous sports activity etc then you pay normal amount through tax and NI.

    If however you are the opposite, you pay an extra levy to cover you, that seems a fair way of doing it.

    If you are from a Foreign country then the rules you have in your country for us regarding healthcare will be applicable to you, so if I'm ill and have to pay a fortune to get treated in your country, the same will apply here so no freebies for non nationals.

    After you have lived and contributed for say 2 years you are eligible for NHS treatment.

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