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Thread: Posted here because no section for Philippine visa

  1. #1
    Member dopey's Avatar
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    Posted here because no section for Philippine visa

    Just as my name sake suggests I am confused,
    I hear so many stories, and even going to Philippine Embassy they didnt help me.

    So going to Phils, staying 12 months
    I need a 12 month tourist visa multiple entry.

    this paragraph is taken from the Philippines Embassy web page
    The authorized maximum period of stay granted by the Philippine Consulate to all temporary visitor’s visa applicants is fifty-nine (59) days. If the applicant will stay beyond 59 days in the Philippines, an application for extension of stay must be filed at the Bureau of Immigration in Manila, or the Immigration office nearest to the place where the applicant is temporarily residing.

    Does this mean that I can STAY in the Philippines if I get an extension
    Even if I get an extension visa do I have to LEAVE the Philippines every 59days?
    (and then come back, so maybe go to Hong Kong)

  2. #2
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dopey View Post
    So going to Phils, staying 12 months
    I need a 12 month tourist visa multiple entry.

    check the link on visa and download the form you need ..Is it the FA form2A you need??
    There is a multiple visa entry valid for one year from date of issue and it cost £65.00 (if you apply in Phil Embassy London)
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Did it help Dopey ??
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Moved to the section: Asian Immigration & VISA Issues
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Moved to the section: Asian Immigration & VISA Issues
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  6. #6
    Member dopey's Avatar
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    The 1st link
    yes I already been there but it doesnt say anything about 12 month visa only 30 days, and the fee is £22-00
    Where did you get the £65-00 fee from?

    The 2nd link, yep got that, thanks anyways.

    What I wanted to know is

    If I get a 12 month visa do I have to LEAVE the Philippines every 59 days for one day and then come back,
    Can I stay for 12 months in the Philippines?

    But thanks for your help

  7. #7
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    If you want to stay in the R.P for a year then just fly here and they give you a 30 day visa free stay..
    you can then extend the 30 days to 59 days in any B.I office..After that you can extend every 2/3 months for up to 2 years without ever needing a one year multi entry visa!
    You can apply for the 6 month tourist visa which costs about 12/13k..(Only in Manila immigration)
    From memory,one year of extensions + the ACR card cost about 400 Quid.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by dopey View Post
    ....What I wanted to know is

    If I get a 12 month visa do I have to LEAVE the Philippines every 59 days for one day and then come back,
    Can I stay for 12 months in the Philippines?
    There is no 12 month visa.
    Be very careful about exactly what you think you'll be getting with a 1 year multiple entry may not actually be what you imagine or what you actually need.

    As always, I stand to be corrected, but here's my understanding....a multiple entry visa allows you to enter any number of times within it's validity BUT your visa time expires every time you leave. Next time you enter you'll be started again with 59days....and don't forget you'll need to have an onward ticket each time you enter.

    You may apply for visa extensions to stay for longer than the initial visa free period.
    You may also secure the new 6 month tourist visa.

    However...... even with this it will still expire when you leave the country irrespective of how long the visa still has to run. Means starting agin from scratch on re-entry.

    If you have a definite need to 'come and go' multiple times to Philippines then a Mutliple entry visa is perfect.

    If you want to stay then save some money and inconvenience and follow the suggestion posted by fred above.

  9. #9
    Member dopey's Avatar
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    Thanks folks.

    Fred's post is the way forward

  10. #10
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    Yes...just go there and keep extending.

    No need to leave the country until well over a year....or you run out of cash.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    If you want to stay in the R.P for a year then just fly here and they give you a 30 day visa free stay..
    you can then extend the 30 days to 59 days in any B.I office..After that you can extend every 2/3 months for up to 2 years without ever needing a one year multi entry visa!
    You can apply for the 6 month tourist visa which costs about 12/13k..(Only in Manila immigration)
    From memory,one year of extensions + the ACR card cost about 400 Quid.
    So its my intention to go to the Philippines in January, and stay for 3 months, so Freds suggestion is to go to Phills on a 30 day visa less stay, then to apply in any BI Office for a 59 day visa, Im assuming BI is Bureu of Immigration.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    So its my intention to go to the Philippines in January, and stay for 3 months, so Freds suggestion is to go to Phills on a 30 day visa less stay, then to apply in any BI Office for a 59 day visa, Im assuming BI is Bureu of Immigration.
    Yes...exactly that . (Best to extend about a week before it's due).

    There are local Immigration offices in the bigger cities....such as Angeles City and Olongapo. (Subic). Just check on the web.

    I'm going in January too...but only for 30 days this time.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Yes...exactly that . (Best to extend about a week before it's due).

    There are local Immigration offices in the bigger cities....such as Angeles City and Olongapo. (Subic). Just check on the web.

    I'm going in January too...but only for 30 days this time.
    Graham what documents will I need when I apply for extension ?

  14. #14
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    Just your far as I remember. They need to see when you arrived and then put a new stamp in it...after you've crossed their palms with silver.

    Keep the receipts they'll give you.

    If you don't fancy doing it yourself, a lot of travel agents (and some hotels) will do it for you, for a fee.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Be careful on this 30 day visa free stay, i did this then applied at BI in Davao for a 59 day extension, sorry Sir we can only give you a 30 day extension, okay i will go for that, 3100 pesos plz sir, but you have to come back in 30 days for another 30 day extension.

    I went back for my final 30 day extension, and imagine my surprise when they said 7300 pesos Sir, i asked why i was being charged for an ID card, its mandatory Sir, so i paid my 7300 pesos, but never received an ID card, asking around amongst a few Foreign Nationals it appears this is common practice, and just another example of corruption in Phills, we cant argue just in case we dont receive the required visa.

  16. #16
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    Be careful on this 30 day visa free stay, i did this then applied at BI in Davao for a 59 day extension, sorry Sir we can only give you a 30 day extension, okay i will go for that, 3100 pesos plz sir, but you have to come back in 30 days for another 30 day extension.

    I went back for my final 30 day extension, and imagine my surprise when they said 7300 pesos Sir, i asked why i was being charged for an ID card, its mandatory Sir, so i paid my 7300 pesos, but never received an ID card, asking around amongst a few Foreign Nationals it appears this is common practice, and just another example of corruption in Phills, we cant argue just in case we dont receive the required visa.

    Yeah...Clever!! Its a 30 day visa free if you stay less than thirty days...Stay longer and they charge for a complete stay of up to 59 days...Stay longer then that and they will charge you 50.00 Dollars for a one year ACR card plus the extension costs!! Hey!!!! We told you its more fun here....Right??
    Regardless...Hope you had a good holiday in the relentless El Nino sun!!

  17. #17
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Hope he got back ok, it's a 2 year old thread
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  18. #18
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    it was shall we say interesting i had one case of what i think people call Deli Belly, thanks to some bad Oysters, it was coIming out both ends never again. I crashed on my motorcycle going to Samaland from Kaputian thanks to the Samal Roads well i think thats the description, and i picked up some kind of virus which consisted of a Cold, Couching and lots of spots, it took maybe 3 weeks to completely shake it off.
    That was probably the worst bits along with the Philippine culture of waiting or being delayed whilst waiting for almost everything Ferries to and from Kaputian being the worst, along with waiting at NCCC check outs.
    I enjoyed Samal, but 4 weeks was to long to be their, i enjoyed visiting most of the North East side of Mindanao, Compostella Valley, Tagum, Then on To Trento, San Frans, Butuan, the Enchanted River at Hinatuan, Barobo, Bislig, Lingig, Sta Maria (agusan del sur) then back to Davao (visa renewal) and on up to Cagayan and onto Camiguin where we did a 24 hour tour of the island, from there we took the overnight ferry to Jagna on Bohol, we then proceeded to Panglao via the Chocolate Hils, The Tarsier colony, the Zip Line, Man made Forest, and the place where the Snakes are, Panglao Island i love except for Elonah Beach to touristy for my liking, From there we fast ferried over to Cebu, and spent a few days at a really nice place Manora apartments i think, and very reasonably priced just outside Talisay City, the Town is the name of Tabunok crowded but kind of enjoyable in a weird way, i call it the place that never sleeps lols. From there we went on to Palawan, had a day/night in Puerto, then hired a motorcycle for a steady 10 hour ride (including 2 hour rest break) up to El Nido, just outside of Taytay i was amazed and surprised to see a colony of Monkeys at the roadside it was almost Dusk by then, first time i have ever seen Monkeys in their natural environment, after a few days in El Nido with its 1 ATM cash machine which was out of order for four days, we drove down to Sabang and the underground river, really loved Sabang not touristy and just wished we would have had more time than the 2 days that we stayed there, chilling out and enjoying the fantastic Beach that they have there, you can walk out 200 meteres and not find a stone, then still only be up to your chest in water absolutely wonderful. From there it was back to Davao for a few days, then on to Samal to say my goodbyes to some new friends that we had made their, then it was 44 hours (thats altogether another story) from Davao to Bournemouth, and time for a well earned rest to re-charge my Batteries lols..

    But as they say, its more fun in the Philippines hahaha

  19. #19
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Hope he got back ok, it's a 2 year old thread
    Yeah but thats another story, maybe for tomorrow..

  20. #20
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Dorset lad like me Harry
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  21. #21
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    I got a 59 day visa from Philippine Embassy London, all done in less than 48 hours

  22. #22
    Respected Member Harry T's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    I got a 59 day visa from Philippine Embassy London, all done in less than 48 hours
    Yes, thats what i did last time i visited, i will not be using the 30 day visa free route again (Free LOLs) yes but paid for laters lols, and the Davao BI is not one that i have fond memories of, so if emmigration to the Philippines is the route i am forced to take (by virtue of the UK governments unfair regulations) if i want true happiness. I have a horrible choice to make in the months ahead, leave the UK and stay in a Country that appears to want Foreigners money, but not the Foreigners themselves, because in my opinion the establishment seem to have put many obstacles in the way of leading a settled life, or forget the idea entirely and stay in the UK plodding along with my situation, but thats life i guess decisions, decisions.

  23. #23
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harry T View Post
    Yes, thats what i did last time i visited, i will not be using the 30 day visa free route again (Free LOLs) yes but paid for laters lols, and the Davao BI is not one that i have fond memories of, so if emmigration to the Philippines is the route i am forced to take (by virtue of the UK governments unfair regulations) if i want true happiness. I have a horrible choice to make in the months ahead, leave the UK and stay in a Country that appears to want Foreigners money, but not the Foreigners themselves, because in my opinion the establishment seem to have put many obstacles in the way of leading a settled life, or forget the idea entirely and stay in the UK plodding along with my situation, but thats life i guess decisions, decisions.
    Its a lot cheaper to stay if you are married Harry..

  24. #24
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    For my last stay, over a year, towards the end of my visa, my wife and I bought a cheap ticket to singapore. Just a day stay and back home. I got a 1 year Balikbayan stamp at no cost.
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  25. #25
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Not sure how I get it, but for the last 3 visits I've been given the 1 year Balikbayan visa.

    Bear in mind that we're not yet married, and also the middle visit I was entering the country on my own and was asked if I wanted it. I can only presume it was because the immigration officer had seen my previous visa

  26. #26
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Not sure how I get it, but for the last 3 visits I've been given the 1 year Balikbayan visa.

    Bear in mind that we're not yet married, and also the middle visit I was entering the country on my own and was asked if I wanted it. I can only presume it was because the immigration officer had seen my previous visa
    Be a bit careful of accepting these dodgy BB stamps Simon.. We have had a few guys being stopped and questioned about them trying to exit and missing their flights.. Worse case scenario they could deport and blacklist you etc..

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Be a bit careful of accepting these dodgy BB stamps Simon.. We have had a few guys being stopped and questioned about them trying to exit and missing their flights.. Worse case scenario they could deport and blacklist you etc..
    Thanks Fred,

    Didn't realise there was anything dodgy about them. The first time it happened I didn't even realise until I checked my passport a week or two into the holiday as I remembered the standard visa was only valid for 30 days and we were there for 5 weeks. It's not as if I've ever asked for it, in fact when I was offered it in September last year I declined it as I was only staying for 2 weeks.
    Maybe the reason I've never been questioned is that we've always left as a family and approached immigration together

  28. #28
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post
    Thanks Fred,

    Didn't realise there was anything dodgy about them. The first time it happened I didn't even realise until I checked my passport a week or two into the holiday as I remembered the standard visa was only valid for 30 days and we were there for 5 weeks. It's not as if I've ever asked for it, in fact when I was offered it in September last year I declined it as I was only staying for 2 weeks.
    Maybe the reason I've never been questioned is that we've always left as a family and approached immigration together
    Ive had them stamped when not travelling with the Mrs in the past..Just my son when he was about 6 years old..Not supposed to happen but at least I could have told them later that I had entered with the Mrs had there been an issue later..
    A lot of single guys have been offered these long after they arrived for 15k..They thought they were paying fixers to give them a legit one year visa..(which do not exist) They tell me that they had a scary time at the airport a year later.. Lesson learned.

    Best just to read this IMO...

  29. #29
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Worth bearing in mind, thanks

    Not sure if this rule was applied....

    iii. A former Filipino citizen and his family who had been naturalized in a foreign country and comes or returns to the Philippines.

    The stamps were issued at passport control without being asked for. We all hold British passports, if that were to make any difference and Charleigh has my surname. Suppose it all boils down to the definition of family in that link, note that the terms spouse and children are used elsewhere.

    It's more fun etc

  30. #30
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    I'm sure your stamp was fine Simon... issued at the proper place by the correct person. Whether or not you were entitled to one (probably not) is a different issue.

    It's the ones that people 'buy' after they're already in-country that are the dodgy ones, that could even get somebody thrown into jail.

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