...then he can clarify things out himself. He is free to tell us the real story anyway so at least members from here who we're furious after reading his comments can give him advices with regards to his new gf's future visa application instead of holding back the informations thinking that he's a bad guy...![]()
You're thick as ****! Spending time and money to your so called 'lifestyle' whilst you can spend that on your kids! You are an irresponsible ****! People like you gets into my nerve. You need to grow up and be a Man! Be a father to your kids.
Moderator note:
No personal attacks.. Attack post, not poster.
Do not circumvent swear filter.
(except in Fred's joke thread)
Statement A. Statement B. Entertainments like this in PATTAYA Or ANGELES huh?! Pole dancing dens...
Is that appropriate for a family man?!
Statement C.
To Fred,
Look, I am guilty of making assumptions without knowing his entire story yeah but reading his short personal statements above as you can see, little by little it completes the puzzle of what kind of an Adam he is...
If he made his ex girlfriend happy, she couldn't have had cheated on him. She must have found these bloke that she is living with now much more caring, loving, ATTENTIVE, LOYAL, HONEST and FAITHFUL. (How do I Know? Because she sticked to him, he's probably be a better father-figure to her children.). He probably don't possessed these characteristics or maybe he does but not been shown to her as he is not always around her due to his holiday out and about with his lads in Pattaya and Angeles. And based on his statement A, "men by nature are suffering from monogamy"... would you agree to that? Are all men in this forum feels the same way too? Are you all suffering from having only one woman in your life?! Would you all wish to have another women in a holiday place? What a wonderful honest statement from a womaniser!!! Any decent man who doesn't cheat at all would say that statement in a forum wherein most members are practising monogamy?! By that simple statement Fred you could tell that he will never ever be contented of just one p****...he wants one p**** to another p****. His ex girlfriend did not just cheated on him because he is a boring man....she must have done it because he's probably a d***head from the start of their relationship.
He said that he have kids from that ex of his, he would not have said that if he is not entirely sure that they aren't....besides, he would know if they are not his children because of the physical appearance. These kids are mixed race so obviously physical attributes from the father can be noticed...not unless if the bloke she cheated on is a foreigner as well..
It is definitely none of our business but the man asked for an advice here about bringing his poor gf in the UK/EEA who has no single idea of his dark secrets...not to mention that he doesn't want the marriage to be recognised in the Philippines because adultery is a crime there and that yearly he wants to be out and about with his mates in places where it is surrounded by seductive women and adultery indeed is very likely to happen...it's our business to know otherwise we will all be an accessory for a crime of an adulterous man!
Now, Cheshire Cheez, you got all the forum members to listen to you clearing your name and stop us here who assumed too much about your story... Tell us how good your intentions are for your future wife? Tell us that you wouldn't just bring her somewhere, keeping her for your private snacks whenever you come back home from work but then take more snacky snacks snacks when you're at the pole clubs in Pattaya or Angeles.
I'm such a bad girl!![]()
Again..To be fair,we only have about 10 parts of a 5.000 piece puzzle.... Perhaps? Who knows. Not me!Look, I am guilty of making assumptions without knowing his entire story yeah but reading his short personal statements above as you can see, little by little it completes the puzzle
So far we have heard a pretty scant and partial chapter of a persons life story..I`m sure there is lots missing so who am I to judge?
I've said before on this forum that I know of many Filipino guys with multiple children that no longer know, least of all give support to them..
The record holder (my neighbour) has 17 children by 9 different women and he announces it proudly to all and sundry.. I have met many others with the same kind of status over the years.
I don't judge him/them that he/they cannot support their kids as it could make them lose face in front of their friends which would put me in a bad predicament..
In their defense, perhaps its a cultural thing for Filipinos to have a mistress/es??
I don't know.. I don't want to know.
Perhaps, Cheeze wiz`s Mrs has shacked up with one just like them??
Would you send child support to such a household?
Not me..
I`d have to think of another way.
I'm under the impression Cheshire Cheez's ex is in the UK and is only after him for child support. I do agree that it may be better to save his money to give the kids when they're no longer minors, like in a trust fund perhaps. However, he has come off as a terrible jerk because of his lack of honesty with Angela (the new squeeze) about his past. As mentioned before, none of this is the children's fault, and the way the OP casually talks about his children as distant things makes me think that he really doesn't care about them. That's something that Filipinos would find unacceptable. As aprilmae said, the kids deserve to spend time with their father. Most Filipinas, if not all, would agree that a responsible father (or step-father, as the ex' new man is) is much more commendable than someone who washes his hands of his responsibilities just to run off and chase tail elsewhere.
Cheshire Cheez, I think what people are really upset about are the lies, subterfuge, and intended future cheating/divorce. No one here claims that they would never visit a strip club. No one here claims that they have never kept secrets from their spouses either. But there needs to be honesty in a marriage about the things you've mentioned, which happen to be major issues. You shouldn't trap Angela in a marriage that you already know won't work because monogamy isn't your cup of tea. It's bad enough that you've been keeping your past from her. It is absolutely unforgivable that your marriage plans include you tainting the relationship with regular trips to titty bars (or worse). As for getting bored with her, I'd hazard a guess that she'd rather not get married to someone who would cast her aside so easily. You'd be better off just asking her if she wants to be friends with benefits. Who knows? She may say yes.
you got him Jake, I could have told you that earlier Fred if and only if I wasn't doing this
....now you know...
Let's leave everything to Mr. Cheshire cheez now, Eddie for short... Let him do the talking
Ooh wait, I want to add something...it's about having mistress/ess is not a cultural thing in the Philippines. I believe this is a worldly thing. Anyone in the world can have a mistress if they want to so don't say that this is solely happening in the Philippines. You may be have encountered few walking examples of these type of people there, but it doesn't mean that it is only happening there. It is happening anywhere in the planet. I actually know someone who happens to be a mistress first of an English man before they got married in the UK. The man was married when he met this woman online secretly, he brought her to the UK using student visa, sheltered her and financed everything for her to live comfortably in here. They see each other most days secretly for a year until his wife found out..eventually the man asked to divorced his wife. 2 or 3 years later, the mistress became the legal wife...
Jake!!! You got me Jake!! A real gut wound Jake!! Why did you....Ugg..Ughhh.. I`m dead.
April, my lifestyle clearly causes you bother, this is because my way of living challenges what you believe about the world and I understand that.
How many on this board knows that the human penis is designed kind of like a plunger? Did you know that our penis has evolved to scoop out any sperm already inside the female vagina and men spurt sperm in 3 phases. Phase 1: The attacking sperm, designed to kill any other sperm inside the woman. Phase 2: The general worker sperm, these are the racers who try to get to the egg and fertilise it. Phase 3: A blocking chemical designed to protect the main spurt from attack from another male and his sperm.
In other words, we evolved competing with other males to impregnate a female. Monogamy is simply a human creation brought about by years of religious indoctrination.
Many of you wonder why I am not completely honest with Angela. Honesty isn't important really, what matters is that she gets the life she dreams about and wants from me. If she wants an honest husband who worships her and is happy to see her go back to Makati every year, then that is what she will know. After all, the truth is simply reality as seen from our own little bubble and she doesn't need to see things from my bubble.
My ex is not a Filipina, she is Thai so I guess it looks like I have a thing for South East Asian ladies. Which is true, but some of my lads holidays have been in Las Vegas and the ladies there I've gone for are blonde eyes and blue hair. It's hard to pinpoint my type of woman really.
Thanks for the help Terpe. Plan B it is then.
I've now come to the decision that a wedding in the Philippines might actually be a good idea after all. I read that Adultery in the Philippines is classed as 'consensual sexual intercourse between a married woman and a man who is not her husband', therefore so long as the lady in question isn't married I shall be fine.
So how do I arrange a wedding in the Philippines?
I'd call you a pig, but you'd give pigs a bad name.
For your specific situation, all you'd need is a pen and your computer chair. Shove the handle of the pen in the seat cushion, then as hard as you can, sit down on the tip. Better yet, sit on a broken broom handle. And while that suggestion's still fresh in your disgusting, sick mind, I'm leaving this stupid thread coz I flatly refuse to help a man plan his seduction and permanent abuse of another innocent woman. May all your children forever despise you and may your nuts shrivel to the size of dried currants while all the women you use cheat on you with your brother, best friend, and/or worst enemy.
This site is a mine of information..You just need to dig it up.
Here`s your first shovel full...
He is still a KID Rosie..and in the UK they said, LIFE STARTS AT 40.
I wouldn't say as much as I did before as there's no point of doing it at all. We'll just agree to disagree...in the end, he is what he is, what can we do?
Thanks anyway Cheshire Cheez for showing your real skin to us, not using a mask to cover your self up. Despite of this, I am and the rest of the women on this forum still won't agree with you as there's no such a thing as "other males competing to impregnate us", we are all monogamous....women here are clean and believed in the essence of HONESTY in a relationship. We love our husbands, so that work for us but since you are only marrying a girl for convenience, it won't matter to you at all.
...And just to make you aware,I wasn't challenge on how you live the world...I actually pity you for such a man you are..a man whose heart and brain is on the tip of his penis!
Anyway enough for this, good luck and enjoy your kiddy days, just wait for the consequence of how you behave right now until you reach the age of REGRETS.
I wonder if some of the guys here would also help and give info to a Filipina who wants to get married to a British guy and say "I want to get married to my British BF and live in the UK. But I won't stop chatting up some guys in the dating sites because I can get more money from them and probably would eventually meet the better man."
I think not.
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
I'm making a woman happy, providing for her and her family. That is a good thing and I appreciate my words challenge you, so if I offend you then I understand your frustration.
Wow, this thread could throw doubt on all our relationships!![]()
God I have loved reading the last few posts especially from the girls filipina, rayna, jen, april and denise reminds me of my wife with hormones while pregnant a no go area lol, but seriously it has given me a laugh how we protect innocents from tossers....
Well done girls love it.........
Yes, it's better entertainment than the crap on the telly.
Next instalment please!
Absolutely hilarious posts from our Filipinas, thank you so much for the laugh Ladies,I agree with most of what has been said, well done to you all!
Cheez …….. I am a well travelled British female and consider myself to be quite worldly. I know exactly what goes on in the Ladyboy capital of Pattaya and of the sex tourism that Angeles City in Philippines is renowned for. I have been to girlie bars and seen for myself what you guys get up to. Indeed, seeing the hundreds of European males running in and out of the “gentleman” bars in Makati such as The Ivory Club, Pussycat, etc . , thinking that they are the best thing since sliced bread and looking eagerly for their next lay, made my partner and I want to throw up. Each to their own as you put it but looking for favours from prostitute bar girls (and boys) in my opinion is the lowest demeaning act and says something about the class and character of a man who is supposed to be in a "loving" relationship.
There are many men in this world who, for one reason or another, are not capable of having a fully committed relationship and who in my opinion would benefit from counselling. In our society it is the norm to only have one partner and the majority celebrate being a monogamous nation. We all have different values, being open and honest in a relationship is very high on my own agenda, as is loyalty and trust. In my opinion, if the relationship that you have with your fiancée is based only on what you want her to know, it is doomed to fail as she will eventually find out if you have anything to hide or are up to no good.
Here in the UK, women don’t generally accept unfaithfulness on any level. If you play with fire, expect to have your fingers burnt big time as a woman scorned will always eventually get her own back, mark my words. I do realise that your fiancé is of course Filipina but she will learn from others here in the UK.
Sorry but I do find your whole attitude towards your relationships rather immature and self centred, especially the lack of truth and your need to regularly escape with your male friends to the above places, ignoring the effect that your behaviour will have on your fiancee. Personally, from what you have said, I don’t think that you are ready to sufficiently commit yourself to the relationship that your fiancée will need and expect as your wife. I suggest that you look at your behaviours and the wider longer term picture for everyone close to you ...........![]()
Thank you for a detailed response Rosie.
However, although I can clearly read that you disagree with my lifestyle, you're simply articulating an artificial belief in the reality of monogamy.
There is not one man who has written on this thread who at one point or another indulge in some free internet pornography. And that is an indictment into the fact that those men are forcibly living their lives under a regime forced upon them, that is completely unnatural to all of their being.
Whilst boys might grow up with the doctrine of Christianity and consider monogamy to be a moral thing, deep within their being they feel the conflict of their nature versus what they've been told all their lives.
I simply choose to free myself from these doctrinal rules imposed by religious leaders and women keen to maintain the status quo.
The truth is, I was glad when my ex cheated on me. It allowed me the opportunity to leave what was a terrible relationship. I had long had a few online friendships with ladies in the Philippines, but only took it to the next step after I was a free man again. Lek (my ex) was trying to control me like all women control their men, but I needed to be free. And so I allowed an online relationship to blossom and when Lek helped end our relationship I had in effect moved on already.
Cheez, looking at porn pictures on the internet is a bit different to visiting girlie bars. I am sorry to hear that you were in a terrible relationship and it sounds like leaving it was probably best for all concerned but you don't appear to have come out of it unscathed. The concerns that have been expressed are for your fiancée, and from what you say, I think that you still have emotional issues that need to be addressed if you want your relationship and marriage to last .......Just the opinion of an outsider![]()
You don't get to run your own business without developing a good thick skin, so I don't get fazed with any of the negative comments, especially as they don't approach the substance of anything I've written. All of the attacks have been without any real rebutal, because deep down you all know I am right in what I preach!
I might not be perfect, but at least I am honest to you all.
Only Michael Parnham has been honest enough to consider that my words could bring about a deep and meaningful thought in his head. Thank you Michael![]()
Being an ex Inland Revenue employee, I beg to differ as you have stated yourself that you dishonestly don't pay your share.Avoiding paying tax for the reasons you have given because you state that you disagree with how the revenue is spent and leaving the rest of us to foot your share of the bill is not acceptable. What makes you so special??
I guess the truth is hard to swallow ...................
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