Wow, such hate for my choice of lifestyle. But each to their own and I respect all of your opinions, even if you don't respect mine. I have a thick skin so I'm okay.
Just to clarify, I've provided a house for my ex and kids, fully paid and no mortgage. I have money tucked away to pay for my kids to go to university when they are older, but for now I won't allow my ex to profit from me any more.
There was also a comment about my taxes, which is a fair comment. But I disagree with allowing my hard earned money to be squandered on wars I disagree with, healthcare for people I don't know and a plethora of big government spending programs I did not consent to.
As for Angela, I am keeping an open mind on the future. As she might bore of me, or I might bore of her in years to come (get a younger model) so I don't want to be tied down too much.
But can I get an EEA visa and marry in say Spain or Italy?