Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
April, my lifestyle clearly causes you bother, this is because my way of living challenges what you believe about the world and I understand that.

How many on this board knows that the human penis is designed kind of like a plunger? Did you know that our penis has evolved to scoop out any sperm already inside the female vagina and men spurt sperm in 3 phases. Phase 1: The attacking sperm, designed to kill any other sperm inside the woman. Phase 2: The general worker sperm, these are the racers who try to get to the egg and fertilise it. Phase 3: A blocking chemical designed to protect the main spurt from attack from another male and his sperm.

In other words, we evolved competing with other males to impregnate a female. Monogamy is simply a human creation brought about by years of religious indoctrination.

Many of you wonder why I am not completely honest with Angela. Honesty isn't important really, what matters is that she gets the life she dreams about and wants from me. If she wants an honest husband who worships her and is happy to see her go back to Makati every year, then that is what she will know. After all, the truth is simply reality as seen from our own little bubble and she doesn't need to see things from my bubble.

My ex is not a Filipina, she is Thai so I guess it looks like I have a thing for South East Asian ladies. Which is true, but some of my lads holidays have been in Las Vegas and the ladies there I've gone for are blonde eyes and blue hair. It's hard to pinpoint my type of woman really.

Thanks for the help Terpe. Plan B it is then.

I've now come to the decision that a wedding in the Philippines might actually be a good idea after all. I read that Adultery in the Philippines is classed as 'consensual sexual intercourse between a married woman and a man who is not her husband', therefore so long as the lady in question isn't married I shall be fine.
I'd call you a pig, but you'd give pigs a bad name.

Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
So how do I arrange a wedding in the Philippines?
For your specific situation, all you'd need is a pen and your computer chair. Shove the handle of the pen in the seat cushion, then as hard as you can, sit down on the tip. Better yet, sit on a broken broom handle. And while that suggestion's still fresh in your disgusting, sick mind, I'm leaving this stupid thread coz I flatly refuse to help a man plan his seduction and permanent abuse of another innocent woman. May all your children forever despise you and may your nuts shrivel to the size of dried currants while all the women you use cheat on you with your brother, best friend, and/or worst enemy.