Keeping your dark side from your gf ey? Why you bringing her to the UK and planning to marry her???... If you really love her and if your intentions for her are real why take her rights away to know a part of you?
No doubts that you wanted the marriage not to be recognisable in the Philippines as it sounds like you two won't last long.
And you're not supporting your children neither?!What an irresponsible father you are!!!....or wait wait, before I'll say that, what's your reason for not supporting your kids? It's not their fault if the mother cheated on you. Don't put the blame on them for goodness sake KID!
You got your one hell of a futuristic thinking there KID, but you really sounds like you need to man up a bit more before taking a woman with you in a married life. Don't take a girl with you into marriage if only you will make her life miserable in here, away from her loved ones while you are having fun with your mates, spending money for holidays every year and not considering that you got kids whom you should really be giving support in the first place! Wake up man!!! A woman also is not just a red shirt that you can use then throw away when your done with it!!! If you are not ready to commit, don't commit! If you want many women in your life, go and f*** all the prosti in Thailand but don't you dare making one decent woman's life in hell just because you aren't contented for just only one. You s***! No wonder why your ex cheated on you as maybe you have been cheating on her first...
I wish you won't get any help from any members here. You don't deserve it as your intentions for that innocent Filipina is obviously not genuine at all! Very questionable indeed!