Statement A.
Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
but we men are by nature suffering through monogamy. It isn't natural and you know this in your heart.
Statement B.
Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
And every year I like to go on a lads holiday with my mates, we tend to go places like Pattaya in Thailand or Angeles city in the Philippines, I don't want my current squeeze to think she can make a complaint to the Philippine authorities as I know they consider Adultery a crime over there.
Entertainments like this in PATTAYA Or ANGELES huh?! Pole dancing dens...
Is that appropriate for a family man?!

Statement C.
Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
There was also a comment about my taxes, which is a fair comment. But I disagree with allowing my hard earned money to be squandered on wars I disagree with, healthcare for people I don't know and a plethora of big government spending programs I did not consent to.

Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
To be fair..You are making assumptions without knowing the full details..
He did say that his wife cheated on him and moved her BF in.. That in itself is a tough situation as there is a very good chance that any child support sent by him would go towards the BF`s Tanduay fund (and others)..
Who`s to say that the kids are his at all?? It might be that his wife was cheating on him from day one or even before??? Who knows?
Unless this guy is prepared to tell all then I`m staying well out of it..
Its none of my business..
To Fred,

Look, I am guilty of making assumptions without knowing his entire story yeah but reading his short personal statements above as you can see, little by little it completes the puzzle of what kind of an Adam he is...

If he made his ex girlfriend happy, she couldn't have had cheated on him. She must have found these bloke that she is living with now much more caring, loving, ATTENTIVE, LOYAL, HONEST and FAITHFUL. (How do I Know? Because she sticked to him, he's probably be a better father-figure to her children. ). He probably don't possessed these characteristics or maybe he does but not been shown to her as he is not always around her due to his holiday out and about with his lads in Pattaya and Angeles. And based on his statement A, "men by nature are suffering from monogamy"... would you agree to that? Are all men in this forum feels the same way too? Are you all suffering from having only one woman in your life?! Would you all wish to have another women in a holiday place? What a wonderful honest statement from a womaniser!!! Any decent man who doesn't cheat at all would say that statement in a forum wherein most members are practising monogamy?! By that simple statement Fred you could tell that he will never ever be contented of just one p****...he wants one p**** to another p****. His ex girlfriend did not just cheated on him because he is a boring man....she must have done it because he's probably a d***head from the start of their relationship.

He said that he have kids from that ex of his, he would not have said that if he is not entirely sure that they aren't....besides, he would know if they are not his children because of the physical appearance. These kids are mixed race so obviously physical attributes from the father can be noticed...not unless if the bloke she cheated on is a foreigner as well..

It is definitely none of our business but the man asked for an advice here about bringing his poor gf in the UK/EEA who has no single idea of his dark secrets...not to mention that he doesn't want the marriage to be recognised in the Philippines because adultery is a crime there and that yearly he wants to be out and about with his mates in places where it is surrounded by seductive women and adultery indeed is very likely to's our business to know otherwise we will all be an accessory for a crime of an adulterous man!

Now, Cheshire Cheez, you got all the forum members to listen to you clearing your name and stop us here who assumed too much about your story... Tell us how good your intentions are for your future wife? Tell us that you wouldn't just bring her somewhere, keeping her for your private snacks whenever you come back home from work but then take more snacky snacks snacks when you're at the pole clubs in Pattaya or Angeles.

I'm such a bad girl!