I'm under the impression Cheshire Cheez's ex is in the UK and is only after him for child support. I do agree that it may be better to save his money to give the kids when they're no longer minors, like in a trust fund perhaps. However, he has come off as a terrible jerk because of his lack of honesty with Angela (the new squeeze) about his past. As mentioned before, none of this is the children's fault, and the way the OP casually talks about his children as distant things makes me think that he really doesn't care about them. That's something that Filipinos would find unacceptable. As aprilmae said, the kids deserve to spend time with their father. Most Filipinas, if not all, would agree that a responsible father (or step-father, as the ex' new man is) is much more commendable than someone who washes his hands of his responsibilities just to run off and chase tail elsewhere.

Cheshire Cheez, I think what people are really upset about are the lies, subterfuge, and intended future cheating/divorce. No one here claims that they would never visit a strip club. No one here claims that they have never kept secrets from their spouses either. But there needs to be honesty in a marriage about the things you've mentioned, which happen to be major issues. You shouldn't trap Angela in a marriage that you already know won't work because monogamy isn't your cup of tea. It's bad enough that you've been keeping your past from her. It is absolutely unforgivable that your marriage plans include you tainting the relationship with regular trips to titty bars (or worse). As for getting bored with her, I'd hazard a guess that she'd rather not get married to someone who would cast her aside so easily. You'd be better off just asking her if she wants to be friends with benefits. Who knows? She may say yes.