Quote Originally Posted by Cheshire Cheez View Post
You don't get to run your own business without developing a good thick skin, so I don't get fazed with any of the negative comments, especially as they don't approach the substance of anything I've written. All of the attacks have been without any real rebutal, because deep down you all know I am right in what I preach!

I might not be perfect, but at least I am honest to you all.

Only Michael Parnham has been honest enough to consider that my words could bring about a deep and meaningful thought in his head. Thank you Michael
Being an ex Inland Revenue employee, I beg to differ as you have stated yourself that you dishonestly don't pay your share. Avoiding paying tax for the reasons you have given because you state that you disagree with how the revenue is spent and leaving the rest of us to foot your share of the bill is not acceptable. What makes you so special??

I guess the truth is hard to swallow ...................