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Thread: Dependants' Visa Granted!!!

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Dependants' Visa Granted!!!

    Hi All,

    I just want to say thank you for all the help you gave me - for replying to all my queries and making me feel good behind all anxieties.

    My husband submitted all the requirements last 17th Oct and today, 25th Oct, all the docs I submitted together with the Passports of my hubby and child with UK Visa attached... I am so glad that evrything has been paid off and the wait has never been long...

    Kimmi, thanks for all the replies and words of encouragement you gave me. You were the first person who posted a reply on my first message in here.

    Andypaul, thanks for answering all my posts here, for giving me the confidence and for your initial assessments which turned out right...

    Gie, thanks also for everything, for the friendship and for cheering me up...

    To you Mod - Keith - even though I got red blobs here for posting the same message more than 5 times I think, I would like to thank you still... It's worth joining this forum and thank you very much - if it weren't because of this forum, I would not know those important things that i should secure for my family's visa application to become successful... I am quite surprised with the speedy approval of my family's VISA application.

    To all the rest of the members here who undergo the same situation as what I had in previous week, I would like to let you know that faith is really important... Just do all your best, and let HIM do the rest... Thanks a lot!!!


  2. #2
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Well done and congrats see you had it all sorted

    Don't just thank people remeber to help others your now much more experienced in dependent visas than most and may be able to bring others together.

  3. #3
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Congrats to another happy couple
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    CongrAts and best wishes...
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  5. #5
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    congratz jamz

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    as i told u privately and i want to tell u here publically


    Party time


  7. #7
    Respected Member empott's Avatar
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    Wow they got it in 8 days! Amazing!
    Congratulations Jamz. My best wishes to u and ur family for a new life there in UK. God Bless.

    Boss Keith, why r the icons not working?
    Faith makes all things possible.
    makes them easy.

  8. #8
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    hi JAMZ,

    wow i am really really happy for u!!!!CONGATULATIONS sis, I am really glad to hear the good news..oh that was really fast..

    so when will ur hubby and daughter will come there?hope they will have a safe trip and ull be together this christmas..CONGRATS again..

  9. #9
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    Funny to say but I booked myself for a return trip in December to Manila since June and I will spend Christmas with my family back home and by January, I will come back to UK with my family. I am sorting now out the confirmation of the tickets/flight I reserved previously for them with a travel agency.

    My family and I are really very happy and still in the state of surprise and shock because we never really expected that it would be that fast. We were expecting that the decision would be made by mid November as told by them but when the courier arrived to our home to deliver the documents, it was really shocking.

    Andypaul, to be honest, I really do not know what experience I would be sharing the rest of the concerned here with the same status as ours because I find our case really rare or unusual. First, my husband was never been invited for an interview. Second, the processing and decision-making took only a week and I initially was not convinced that the requirements I submitted really were that outstanding - o, well, showed...

    As I mentioned in my previous posts, financial-wise we really are ok and maybe the application was strengthened by good financial records - my bank statements with consistent savings every month, my remittances in the past 7 months only that blew up to £5K+ already; the accommodation, my employment status as an Analyst (contract, payslips and tax slip) and the evidences we provided as proof of our relationship - in fact, we just submitted Birth Cert (NSO), Marriage Contract (NSO) and photos & emails.

    Guys, thanks to you all.

    For those who congratulated me, thanks a lot for being happy for us...

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