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Thread: I got a chrismas job!

  1. #1
    Respected Member singkit's Avatar
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    Smile I got a chrismas job!

    Hello girls and gents,

    Just want to share my joy with you. I got through to the job I was applying for last week and today I just had my four-hour induction. I still get paid for this induction. I will have my first formal job training next week. It's not the dream job but, hey, everyone has to start somewhere. It's all up to me now how to show them my skills and potentials. Am a bit nervous though because it's my first ever job in the UK. Hope I dont mess up. Just want to post this thread for three reasons:

    1. Can anyone give me some further advice/tips on working in the tills and in the environment such as shopping malls.

    2. I'd like to inspire many Mrs here on keep applying for their first job. Don't give up. Sooner or later you'll find the one you one. In fact, I still keep my CV open incase the dream job comes along.

    3. My sincere thanks to everyone who never gave up saying their goodlucks and encouragements.

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  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    1. When someone smelly or scruffy (like a Manc) hands you a credit card, it is either stolen, or adding to there debt
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    thats a good news singkit a heartfelt congrats from me!
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  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Great news Singkit my wife has worked on tills in the Uk in all three of her jobs and is soon to start her new Job.

    She finds the tills really easy to use they are made for idiots so a clever lady like you will have no problems.

    My Wife in her first two jobs found herself cashing up at the end of the day which if you are a book keeper im sure you would find really easy. Basically make sure the amount said to be in the till is in there at the end of the day. In the morning sometimes you have to sort out the float, ie tthe money for change. Many bigger shops im sure all this is in done on the cash office, (which maybe where you might want to end up if your good with money)

    My Missus has found shop work easy compard to many Brits she is very chatty and always smiling i guess this is used to the typical phill spending so much interacting with people compared to the typical european.

    You should get full training and an induction take note of this it will help you later on if you take it in i have found.

    My wife at first was nervous about shop work but it has great for her English skills which like most phills are very good but its worth asking your Hubby and other local family and friend brits to make sure you know lots of local slang words and phrases.

    Good luck Singkit and enjoy one thing that hopefully you will gain is lots of friends from your workmates.

  5. #5
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Congrats... nice to know that one by one here are all be working....
    tiger tigress

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  6. #6
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thats great news singkit..I am happy for u..Goodluck

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    1. When someone smelly or scruffy (like a Manc) hands you a credit card, it is either stolen, or adding to there debt
    well done singkit

    you cheeky shell suite wearing scouser
    infact i never goto the trafford centre, only the non mancs go there and pay them prices..

    if someone offers you a £30 or £1000 note and it has a picture of 'ken dodd' or 'Paul McCartney' on it's FAKE scouse money, and only used in the scouser version of the board game Monopoly

    best thnig to keep the riff-raff from your store is to put a sign in the window 'NO SCOUSERS ALLOWED'

  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    My mate used to work on a market stall in Manc land, selling cheap clothes made in Zimbabwe, that fell apart after the first wash, but the stupid Mancs paid for them anyway

    Pair of socks, size 1, the other size 8, probably explains the Manc funny walk
    Keith - Administrator

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