Hi All,

Just an overdue update. Over 3 years ago wifey, Love Mae Parker, and I began posting here about a plan to move from the UK to the Philippines. Done :-) We had 3 objectives. Start a business, start a family and start a sporting facility. The update can be summarized as follows. Business going well, beautiful Filipina daughter very healthy/happy but only a little progress has been made with the sports facility. So, as titled, 2 out of 3 'aint bad :-)

If anyone would like any info on life here in southern Mindanao (Cagayan de Oro), just shout. And yes, this is the place where both the World Health Organisation and the British Government says don't go. But that is the typical advice of any authority that needs to cover itself so it makes such statements only so that it can fall back on them in the very unlikely event that you meet with some unfortunate circumstances. So don't believe the blah blah blah. Make your own investigations or research yourself, via people like us, for first hand facts.

So, if you are seeking first hand Filipino life feedback or just happy to extend your friend circle, we are here, we are on Facebook, Skype and Yahoo and happy to assist. We received some good advice here a few years ago so just reopening communications here to see if we can do the same for anyone else :-)


Peter Parker