Emailed ECM Manila with this, not sure where it will get me but worth a small rant
To whom it may concern,
With reference to applications GWF031182877 and GWF032384772 both of which have been refused.
As per your email regarding the first refusal, we have addressed the points and re-applied only to have this application refused. I am awaiting an appointment with my local member of parliament, Theresa May, to discuss this further but in the mean time I would appreciate some sort of explanation from yourselves.
Your reason for refusal is unacceptable in that you quote paragraph 41 (i), (ii), (vi) and (vii)
(i) I have send a letter of invitation stating I will fully support Ivy financially, with supporting documentation showing my income and available funds
(ii) Ivy's employer has given you a letter of employment from her HR department stating her new contract starts on 20th December. Together with this I have stated in my letter of invitation that we will all be flying back to the Philippines at the end of November, I even went as far as to sent your a scanned copy of my passport.
(vi) My bank statements, both personal and company should have given you no reason to doubt my ability to support Ivy in her stay, together with proof that I own my own house and she would be staying with ourselves.
(vii) Again see point (vi) regarding my available funds, together with the fact that I would be paying for a RETURN ticket for her.
I have no intention of applying a 3rd time, as all queries have been addressed fully and I can only assume that there has been some sort of clerical mistake which will be rectified promptly.
Let's see if I get any sort of explanation