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Thread: marriage certificate

  1. #1
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    hi....need some advice in our marriage certificate forms.Our marriage cert.was already been signed by the city registrar so i thought since they accept it everything is fine on it.I ask an advance endorsement in our city registrar so,i could get the marriage cert in quickest time.They give me the endorsement letter and the OCRG marriage cert,this is the copy for NSO.So,they ask me to go to our NSO here in our city coz they are responsible in sending this advance endorsement.Then,while im reading it while on my way to the NSO office,i found out that theres a mistake of my husband's residence address.I know in my heart this will be a problem but i just go there in NSO.....i give it to the NSO officer but i was really bothered and then,he found some letters thats over in the line and the there are some letters thats hard to read because its too close espc. in my husbands address coz its a long ad and the space is too little....and because its carbonated copy it seems so dark....he accept it but saying that theres no assurance if it will be accepted in the computer thinking what if we will secure another clear and correct copy of marriage cert. but ohhh....we will be running out of time coz i still need to send it again to my husband for his sign in our marriage cert,all of the marriage cert.files will be soon be passed this month in the NSO manila to be registered with SECPA.....they wont accept any late registration.i ask them what is the best thing to do if it will be disapprove but still they dont give us any right answer,as they said we have to wait for a year to sort it out and so and so...i dont know if the officer that i ask is the real officer or just the security guard as he dont give us exact info.hehehehe!!! ....if so happen that they will accept,still be a problem coz theres a mistake on my husbands residence,problem again if the embassy will find the mistakes....i dont know what to do....we are running out of time.....but i still have faith that everything will be sorted out by GOds help......but yes,need ur advice now!!!!!


  2. #2
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by rhearose@Jan 5 2006, 02:15 PM
    hi....need some advice in our marriage certificate forms.Our marriage cert.was already been signed by the city registrar so i thought since they accept it everything is fine on it.I ask an advance endorsement in our city registrar so,i could get the marriage cert in quickest time.They give me the endorsement letter and the OCRG marriage cert,this is the copy for NSO.So,they ask me to go to our NSO here in our city coz they are responsible in sending this advance endorsement.Then,while im reading it while on my way to the NSO office,i found out that theres a mistake of my husband's residence address.I know in my heart this will be a problem but i just go there in NSO.....i give it to the NSO officer but i was really bothered and then,he found some letters thats over in the line and the there are some letters thats hard to read because its too close espc. in my husbands address coz its a long ad and the space is too little....and because its carbonated copy it seems so dark....he accept it but saying that theres no assurance if it will be accepted in the computer thinking what if we will secure another clear and correct copy of marriage cert. but ohhh....we will be running out of time coz i still need to send it again to my husband for his sign in our marriage cert,all of the marriage cert.files will be soon be passed this month in the NSO manila to be registered with SECPA.....they wont accept any late registration.i ask them what is the best thing to do if it will be disapprove but still they dont give us any right answer,as they said we have to wait for a year to sort it out and so and so...i dont know if the officer that i ask is the real officer or just the security guard as he dont give us exact info.hehehehe!!! ....if so happen that they will accept,still be a problem coz theres a mistake on my husbands residence,problem again if the embassy will find the mistakes....i dont know what to do....we are running out of time.....but i still have faith that everything will be sorted out by GOds help......but yes,need ur advice now!!!!!


    Rhea, it would have helped if you would have paragraphed your post, its so hard to decypher the context in which you have written this, can you paragraph in methodical order next time so we can not strain so much to read it.

    You state the marriage certificate is signed by the City registrar, that is fine, you have also requested for an advance endorsement, this I presume is to speed up the process, but you don't say from where you are sending the paperwork, the paperwork has to go through your local NSO office, which region are you in ?

    Once the paperwork is accepted, it will be transmitted to Manila specifically to the main NSO Office in Quezon City, I think your husband also has posted about this already.

    You have to go back to the City registrar immedeatly and take a copy of the marriage certificate and tell them that the details are wrong, and that an amendment needs to be done now !

    I already told your husband this needs to be done, this amendment to the address details and other details must be done now, before the paperework is sent to NSO in Manila.

    My advice is to do this, go to the NSO in your home City, although you dont tell us where that is, and ask for SECPA papers, they can issue you SECPA in a shorterned form, this shorterned form will be adequate for your British Embassy requirements.

    It is not a matter for the British Embassy to scan your marriage contract to check the details, they are more concerned that a local marriage certificate has been seen.

    That is why SECPA papers would be adequate for the Embassy, so dont start getting nervous, this can be sorted out easily.

    Suggest you go back to NSO Also, and try and find a fixer as soon as possible, tell the fixer what the problem is, pay an express fee to the fixer and he she...will sort it out with someone inside the NSO, there is always a fixer around, just ask ....they will be there hanging around.

    If the details reach the NSO Manila and they are incorrect, this may not in itself be a problem, but this business about 1 year is total crap, it wont take that long to sort out, dont speak to the guard in future, get a fixer to go in with your paperwork, and get a typed amendment, this can be done for a small fee.

    But my main advice is this, get SECPA Papers from the local NSO, this will mean you can see the Entry Clearance Officer with the correct documentation, at a later date, of course you will have to register the marriage with the NSO in Manila, but that will be done automatically for you, by the District Registry in which you live, it should take no more than 3-6 weeks, depending on how fast the documents were sent, you can opt for a fast courier, if you pay them, and ask the district registry officer who dealt with your applicatiion to marry, he/she can send it super fast, but you have to pay.

    I hope this helps


  3. #3
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    Rhea, it would have helped if you would have paragraphed your post, its so hard to decypher the context in which you have written this, can you paragraph in methodical order next time so we can not strain so much to read it.
    That's why I never answered, my brain was melting after line 3 :lol: We had someone who done the same on the racing forum a few weeks backs, sooooo annoying. Mind you, that guy never used full stops, commas, etc :o

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  4. #4
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    Hello,sorry next time i will type my post in clear and proper way.But thanks theres someone who have really concern to give an advice.

    Thanks for the advice Pete,well its true it can all be sorted out.No certain problem would be too hard if you will just strongly face it and ofcourse find ways and means to solve it.Our faith in God and prayers would most help us to go through.

    The city that i have been too is part of REGION 10,somewhere in mindanao.Its really quite far.I went to the NSO here but they let me wait after 10working days to check if our marriage cert. would be approve.The NSO are strict now regarding this,all must be clear,clean and no tampered but its good.If will happen that our marriage certificate will be disapprove then,they will sent it back to us.I ask help of another officer in the NSO if in case it will be disapprove and he answered it will not be a problem coz we can secure for another copy and it will be good coz we can change the mistakes on it.If it will be approve with the mistakes on it then,will find ways on how to sort it out.I cant pull out the marriage cert. that i pass in the local NSO coz they have scan it and pass through NSO manila by electronic mail.

    Thanks for all....i just let you know how will it be.......


  5. #5
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Originally posted by rhearose@Jan 6 2006, 12:02 PM
    Hello,sorry next time i will type my post in clear and proper way.But thanks theres someone who have really concern to give an advice.

    Thanks for the advice Pete,well its true it can all be sorted out.No certain problem would be too hard if you will just strongly face it and ofcourse find ways and means to solve it.Our faith in God and prayers would most help us to go through.

    The city that i have been too is part of REGION 10,somewhere in mindanao.Its really quite far.I went to the NSO here but they let me wait after 10working days to check if our marriage cert. would be approve.The NSO are strict now regarding this,all must be clear,clean and no tampered but its good.If will happen that our marriage certificate will be disapprove then,they will sent it back to us.I ask help of another officer in the NSO if in case it will be disapprove and he answered it will not be a problem coz we can secure for another copy and it will be good coz we can change the mistakes on it.If it will be approve with the mistakes on it then,will find ways on how to sort it out.I cant pull out the marriage cert. that i pass in the local NSO coz they have scan it and pass through NSO manila by electronic mail.

    Thanks for all....i just let you know how will it be.......


    Ok Rhea Again I have to say I had trouble decyphering what you are trying to communicate to us here at FilipinoUK, fortunately I think I have the bare bones of what you are saying, although with respect I think its a matter of your written English that is causing the headache, and that is not meant to be rude in any way, I think this is what you are try to convey to us correct me if I am wrong:

    You have gone to the NSO for Region 10, this office can be found on my information link pages at

    Assuming then that you travelled to Cagayan de Oro City, is this correct ? if so, how far did you travel, are you living in Northern Mindanao ?

    If so you may find the documents take a little longer to travel to Manila, such is the centralized bureacracy that prevails in the Philippines, I must stress to you, that the documentation must be correct, if it is not, it will onto the NSO Database, and in the future, it may present problems to you if it is incorrect, getting amendments filed in the Philippines seems to be a national past time.

    So to continue:

    You state that you have submitted your marriage contract that you signed in the wedding ceremony, you now state that the officials wish to check it to see if it is valid to send to the NSO in Manila, Im not quite sure what you mean when you say approved ? I presume from that you mean that it is acceptable to be transmitted with the current information on it, again correct me if I am wrong ?

    You now state, that the officials at the NSO told you that they will check the certificate to see whether it is acceptable and valid, if so, they will onward transmit it and expedite to the NSO.

    That is fine, then you say, if they will mean if they find the document is not aceptable with the mistakes, then you must re-submit it, well my advice is to pre-empt it and go back to the district registrar now, and ask for another copy of the certificate but this time point out the mistakes to them and ask them to amend the certificate with the correct address for your husbands place of residence, why wait, when you have 10 days to wait to see if it is acceptable for onward transmission.

    May I suggest this is not your main concern, whilst is is something to be corrected, you should be more concerned with having a bona fida local marriage certiicate on NSO Security papers, should you wish to apply for UK Entry Clearance, I suggest you apply for SECPA as soon as possible, I have already alluded to this in my previous post, this is a 1 page document which tells the British Embassy that you have a valid marriage in the Philippines and that processing is taking place with the national database in Quezon City, once you have this document, you need not worry too much about your NSO Marriage contract, this will appear in due course, maybe 4 to 6 weeks, mine took 30 days.

    If you need help with the UK Entry Clearance Procedures, you may wish to point your browswer to various sections of this Forum under the following topic:

    This topic was written with people like you in mind, however if you want some fun along the way, and some pretty pics and some music to entertain you, why not try this

    Follow the links on the main page, "How to apply for United Kingdom Entry Clearance"

    Why not make it fun, after all, Rob Keith and I all think...that it is a blip on our life, it seems like a big thing at the time, but when we look back, honestly.we LOL about the whole thing.

    And you will too

    Best wishes

    Peter and Gina ( Rob and Elsa) (Keith and Ping)

  6. #6
    Respected Member Eljohno's Avatar
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    Hi Pete,
    thanks for the info you have given Rhea and myself, I have texted Rhea to make sure she now understands to go and get the SECPA asap.


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