hi....need some advice in our marriage certificate forms.Our marriage cert.was already been signed by the city registrar so i thought since they accept it everything is fine on it.I ask an advance endorsement in our city registrar so,i could get the marriage cert in quickest time.They give me the endorsement letter and the OCRG marriage cert,this is the copy for NSO.So,they ask me to go to our NSO here in our city coz they are responsible in sending this advance endorsement.Then,while im reading it while on my way to the NSO office,i found out that theres a mistake of my husband's residence address.I know in my heart this will be a problem but i just go there in NSO.....i give it to the NSO officer but i was really bothered and then,he found some letters thats over in the line and the there are some letters thats hard to read because its too close espc. in my husbands address coz its a long ad and the space is too little....and because its carbonated copy it seems so dark....he accept it but saying that theres no assurance if it will be accepted in the computer scan....im thinking what if we will secure another clear and correct copy of marriage cert. but ohhh....we will be running out of time coz i still need to send it again to my husband for his sign in our marriage cert,all of the marriage cert.files will be soon be passed this month in the NSO manila to be registered with SECPA.....they wont accept any late registration.i ask them what is the best thing to do if it will be disapprove but still they dont give us any right answer,as they said we have to wait for a year to sort it out and so and so...i dont know if the officer that i ask is the real officer or just the security guard as he dont give us exact info.hehehehe!!!....if so happen that they will accept,still be a problem coz theres a mistake on my husbands residence address....so,problem again if the embassy will find the mistakes....i dont know what to do....we are running out of time.....but i still have faith that everything will be sorted out by GOds help......but yes,need ur advice now!!!!!