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Thread: 4th Visit visa application with different sponsor

  1. #1
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    4th Visit visa application with different sponsor

    Hi everyone! I'm Ms. G...I am glad to have found this forum. I found it very helpful for uk visa applicants like me. I am hoping to be able to get some ideas from people here regarding my visa application.

    I hope you don't mind me sharing my circumstances with all of you guys. Couple of years ago I applied for a visit visa with my ex bf as my sponsor. I was refused three times for the same reasons that I don't have economic and social ties here in the Phils. Then I and my ex broke up coz he went back with his English ex wife. After a year I found someone new who came and met me and my family last May 2014 and now we tried applying for a visit visa for me. He is aware of my previous relationships and my previous applications of visa. My worries now is, will it affect my recent application? I lodged my visa application last May 30, 2014 and until now everyday we are waiting for the result. I have my business now and my children as reasons for me to leave UK after my visa expires if ever.

    I hope they will be kind to me this time. I am not thinking of doing anything that will jeopardize my future plans to settle down with my bf now. I know everything happens for a reason but I hope this time they will find no reason anymore to refuse me.

    I hope to hear from anyone here about how you think about my application especially with similar story of mine.

    Thank you so much everyone.

  2. #2
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    No, previous applications do not have an effect on subsequent applications.

    Every case is taken on its own merits to satisfy the ECO that you have reasons to return home which must outweigh reasons to overstay hence the ties which must be shown to your homeland.

    Visit visas are notoriously difficult to obtain but not impossible and total discretion lies at the hands of the ECO so the stronger the application you present the better chance you may have.

    Good luck on your forthcoming decision....

  3. #3
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    Thanks Marksroomspain! I have submitted them the birth cert of my 2 daughters 12 and 10 yrs old and also mentioned in my covering letter that they will only be looked after by a nanny and also I cannot leave my business longer than one month because it requires my supervision. My problem with it also is I wasn't able to submit Income Tax Return of my business only business registration and other proofs that it has actually been operating since last week of November 2012 long before I met my present partner who is my sponsor.

    Do you think with me having failed to submit the Income Tax Return, I will be turned down as I have talked to a travel agent, she said once business is declared in the Embassy as a reason to return, ITR should be submitted too to show the income. It's one thing that worries me also.

  4. #4
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy&me View Post
    Hi everyone! I'm Ms. G...I am glad to have found this forum. I found it very helpful for uk visa applicants like me. I am hoping to be able to get some ideas from people here regarding my visa application.

    I hope you don't mind me sharing my circumstances with all of you guys. Couple of years ago I applied for a visit visa with my ex bf as my sponsor. I was refused three times for the same reasons that I don't have economic and social ties here in the Phils. Then I and my ex broke up coz he went back with his English ex wife. After a year I found someone new who came and met me and my family last May 2014 and now we tried applying for a visit visa for me. He is aware of my previous relationships and my previous applications of visa. My worries now is, will it affect my recent application? I lodged my visa application last May 30, 2014 and until now everyday we are waiting for the result. I have my business now and my children as reasons for me to leave UK after my visa expires if ever.

    I hope they will be kind to me this time. I am not thinking of doing anything that will jeopardize my future plans to settle down with my bf now. I know everything happens for a reason but I hope this time they will find no reason anymore to refuse me.

    I hope to hear from anyone here about how you think about my application especially with similar story of mine.

    Thank you so much everyone.

    Welcome to the forum.

    How long have you known this ''new guy''?

    Don't you think he should be the one to visit you often to get to know more of each other, rather than you visiting a strange country?

    Future plans don't happen overnight, they should be built with strong foundations (just my honest opinion)

    Good luck with the application.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    Welcome to the forum.

    How long have you known this ''new guy''?

    Don't you think he should be the one to visit you often to get to know more of each other, rather than you visiting a strange country?

    Future plans don't happen overnight, they should be built with strong foundations (just my honest opinion)

    Good luck with the application.
    I have known him for 8 months through constant chatting everyday, chatted with his dad and mum too & met his close friends also thru skype. He came and spent 2 weeks to meet my family and like what he did he wants me to visit them too to meet his family and friends in real life too. He is also willing to come back again if I won't be given a visa, we just wanted to try for me to get a visa if I will be granted it would be nice.

    Thanks for your opinion and I do appreciate your honesty.

  6. #6
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    Hello Mrs G, welcome aboard Filipino UK

    I do hope your Visit visa will be granted and wish you good luck with that.
    Your previous visa refusals will be an influence on this latest application in that the caseworkers and the ECO will apply additional scrutiny in connection with your strong social, economic and family ties that would compel you to leave the UK at the end of your requested temporary stay. Hopefully you'll have significantly improved the submitted reasons enough to convince the ECO that you'll return.
    Given that this latest application is your 4th you should expect the ECO to also carefully review your stated reasons for requesting a visit at this time.

    Any future settlement route visa application will not be impacted by visit visa refusals. However there is a strong requirement that you will both have met in person.

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    When did you apply for the 3rd visit visa that was refused?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    When did you apply for the 3rd visit visa that was refused?
    My 3rd application for visit visa was more than 2 years ago with a different sponsor. That's actually what I am worrying about. I am doubtful that they might questioned my intention because of me having a new sponsor.

  9. #9
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    Hi Terpe! thanks for the warmth welcome. That's actually what I am worrying, my previous application might influenced my new application the fact that I have different sponsor with this 4th application. I believed that I have submitted enough evidence to prove that I am coming back with me having my own business and my 2 daughters. I also submitted bank statement and mentioned that though my expenses with my visit in UK will be shouldered by my sponsor, I also have my own personal money in case I needed some when I get there. I am not financially relying to my sponsor as mentioned in my previous refusal, this time I am earning my own income and I have been residing in Makati Condominium which I also included proofs of my residences in short I am fairly living a comfortable life and I do not have any plan on running away in UK to get a job or to be an illegal immigrant. I mentioned this because they also mentioned it in my last refusal that because of the Philippines being a 3rd world country a lot of Filipinos only wants to go abroad to find a descent job. I understand that it is true but not all. We've given and done our best for this application, I just hope they will be kind to us this time.

  10. #10
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    I think if your last application was 2 years ago then the risk of impacts on your new one is significantly reduced.....less worry

  11. #11
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    Hopefully it won't affect my recent application. One thing more Terpe, if I declared that I have business here that has been operating for over a year already but failed to submit income tax return, will it risk my application too? I believe that I have submitted proofs of it's operation only the ITR that was lacking.

  12. #12
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    I mean proof of its operation like receipts of the cash payments made by my clients and the cash flow of my company's bank account. Though it is not making huge income yet but there's really an actual trading as it was mentioned in their refusal before that I have to submit documents that will prove that my business is earning an income but they did not mention if there's certain income to meet for them to consider as valid reason to come back to the Phils.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy&me View Post
    I mean proof of its operation like receipts of the cash payments made by my clients and the cash flow of my company's bank account. Though it is not making huge income yet but there's really an actual trading as it was mentioned in their refusal before that I have to submit documents that will prove that my business is earning an income but they did not mention if there's certain income to meet for them to consider as valid reason to come back to the Phils.
    To be included as a source of funding and as a reason to return UKVI will want evidence that it's a genuine on-going business and not something that you just set up solely to support your visa application.

    There's no specific requirement regarding turnover.

  14. #14
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    Oh no, it wasn't set up for my visa application coz I started it even before I met my new partner. I am just hoping that the Embassy will be kind enough to consider the documents I attached with my visa application. I did not have that much money in the bank but I don't see that as a reason for them to refuse me because it's my partner who will shoulder the expenses of my visit. Anyway, thanks for sharing your ideas.

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